Rescapes In The Pipeline


It's life Jim, but not as we know it.
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 22, 2011
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Well, woke up to a sad situation. My last ellioti (which people have been telling me recently may be rarer than I thought) was hanging dead in the tank this morning. No signs of anything, an image of health and the water is crystal clear and parameters as they ever were with 0/0/10 on the readings. TDS hasn't even budged and the remaining stock is happy as ever.
Leaves me with 6 golden barbs and the remaining 4 congos (lost one recently that managed to jump into the weir somehow past the covers) and the 3 remaining corys (sterbai). There was already a plan to move the shrimp tank into a bigger tank to allow the colony to continue to expand as that tank needed a bit of work anyway and the current tank is properly overgrown.
So I'm left with a planned rescape, an overgrown mess and a tank lacking it's centrepiece.
Feeling despondent from the loss of a fish I loved, and who was full of personality (the cat will miss him as well), but looking forwards to being able to tinker more with set ups.
Hope tinkering with your set-ups eases the sense of loss, Rob
It's always sad when a beloved fish dies.
Aye. Need to keep a close eye on that tank for a while. He was gobbling up food happily last night, so it would appear to be something sudden and he's a few years old now, but I wasn't expecting to lose him.
Very sorry to hear about the fish. I can empathize with you.
Ah, really sorry to hear that :(

Hope the rescapes will cheer things up :)

And of course, pics :p
yes sorry for the loss DrRob  ellioti my be lost but never forgotten hope the re scape goes okay
Well, a plan has been formed. The old 100l has been screaming for a rescape ever since a couple of batches of CA cichlid fry tore the tank to pieces while growing on, so new substrate is on order, the lighting rig is finally being constructed and a mixture of plants from the current shrimp tank, the emersed propagators and the current shrimp tank should see that one starting up nicely. Stock will be shrimp and some, as yet undecided small fish.
That'll leave the shrimp tank pretty stripped bare, so it'll either end up another foray into the world of bettas or a tiny marine crustacean tank, depending on the other half.
The pond is slowly growing in, been doing random things and planting impatiens in it, which seems to be working well, but the neighbours have taken their plants back so that they can see it more clearly, which has exposed part of it to a lot of light, so blanketweed is a problem right now.
The big tank is probably going back to an apisto tank, with a good sized shoal of small tetras. I've just been offered as many bristlenoses as I can catch from a friend who can't stop them from breeding, so there may be a few of those. Essentially back to my SA roots. I'm still resisting angelfish, I get carried away with them.
Sorry about the loss  but seems like youve got a good plan together for the tanks :D
Look forward to seeing the progress.
Dr Rob, it is really felt sad when one lost his beloved fish especially when it consider as rarer.

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