Reporting Abuse


Fish Fanatic
Mar 12, 2013
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Well, I have a fish store near me and it's absolutely disgusting. Everything is covered in dirt, the filters are all gunned up, the tanks are dirt, there are too many fish in one tank or fish that are in a tank 10x to small, and it's just terrible. They also have rodents, birds, and reptiles that are probably in bad shape and I just don't know what to look for. It may seem like I'm exaggerating, but there is seriously a 13" fish (I don't know what breed but it's black, looks kinda like a shark, and huge) in a 20 gallon long. They also had some saltwater fish in what looked to be 1/2 a gallon of a divided tank each. The filters in the guppies' tank had crud hanging off of it. All in all it is just a black hole for death and diease. It makes PetCo look like fishy heaven. What can I do? It's plain to anyone that walks in that it's not an environment to keep anything in. Could I report them to the local humane society or animal control? Gah, I -need- to do something, I just don't know what.
I'm guessing you're in the US, so I can't help directly, but a call to your local humane society sounds good; even if they can't help, they'll almost certainly know who you should contact.
+1 to flutter moth. I saw this guy on you tube who had all the animals from his store confiscated cos he was not caring for his stock appropriately.they said he had over 200 dead fish in his tanks!
TallTree01 said:
+1 to flutter moth. I saw this guy on you tube who had all the animals from his store confiscated cos he was not caring for his stock appropriately.they said he had over 200 dead fish in his tanks!
Holy crap! That is awful! Makes me think of the Meijer (US store) down the street from me. Fish in horrible cramped conditions, bettas in cups filled with gunk and barely 2 inches of water. Makes me so angry! I want to write to them so badly and volunteer to take care of the fish, they don't even have to pay me! 
Yes, report them to the Humane Society in your area. Or even the Health Department. We had a guy in our area who has one small store that also house a greenhouse and the post office, and at one time kept a bunch of aquariums and birds and reptiles, tarantulas, etc. He was reported and had to shut everything down. Who knows what he keeps at his house. 
Yeah, that sounds like the guy I was talking about, only on a bigger scale. Glad he was shut down. In business for 45 years?? Curious if things just went to heck lately or if it's always been bad?
I love how he said they did things right for the first 44 years, pfft. There is no way in a YEAR you could have mistaken 40 lizards in a tank for only 7. Makes me ill.
Thanks guys, I'll call ASAP.

That's just terrible. I hate when people just kinda lose it and animals end up suffering. One of my rescued Border Collies came from a guy that was running a puppy mill. He started out fine, with some really nice BCs, but he got old and went something went wrong. He ended up with 50+ BCs kept in horrible conditions. It just makes me sick thinking about it sometimes.
Especially seeing as border collies is the smartest, fastest and most playful breeds in the world.
TallTree01 said:
Especially seeing as border collies is the smartest, fastest and most playful breeds in the world.
Smartest? There are more intelligent dogs out there and they certainly aren't  the fastest dogs either. I own 2 of them xD They're definitely one of the most playful and characterful dogs though. :)
I've always heard the smartest dog in the world is a border collie. Definitely not the fastest though. Dunno why I wrote that. Lol.
Whippets are the fastest, although mine is not that smart. I still love him, stupid and fast, though.
TallTree01 said:
I've always heard the smartest dog in the world is a border collie. Definitely not the fastest though. Dunno why I wrote that. Lol.
I think this is a misconception. I feel that Collies are the most teachable breed and are very pliable and sponge-like at all ages. I love mine all the same but I think a lot of sites and books only really consider the capacity to learn, rather than problem solve (which is how I define cleverness in dogs, I consider their problem solving abilities). I may be wrong and/or being just a tad anal about it but I dunno :p just my 2 pence.
I've had border collies and now have an Aussie who's basically a BC with no tail. I think their interaction with humans is what makes them seem smarter than other dogs. Their concentration is amazing. My all-time favorite breed(s). Well, you can see what mine looks like on last month's POTM. 

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