Red-Tailed Sharks

mrcrabbs said:
Fish Buddy said:
No, red tailed sharks are not community fish. They should not be kept in a smaller tank than a 20 gallon. If the tank is heavily planted and hiding places and 'territorial durisdictions' are set up, you could keep a max of 2 in a 20gallon.
If all you have is a community tank, don't get one, they will eat your fish!
Eat your fish my a$$. That is such BS. I have one and he is doing fine. Occasionally chases a fish but thats it. only that but nip, it nipped my corie's fins....

and it does eat eats frys! :lol:
Maybe the reason why we are arguing so much is because there is more than one type of 'red tailed shark'. Common names are sometimes used for more than on specie or are sometimes miss used on the wrong specie. Fish that are similar to the 'red tailed shark' are (sorry, I only know the common names-but do know they are separate species): Red tailed black shark and rainbow shark. There are probably others.
Please, lets not argue anymore- just make sure you research the fish you are interested in before you get it.

Also, some red-tailed sharks (as with any species of fish) might not live up to it's name (act the way one expects it too) and it also might depend on the other type of fish you keep with it that changes it's behaviour.
Hi :)

I have kept both RTB and Rainbow sharks. They are both territorial fish but rainbow sharks are usually a little less aggressive.

Both species should not be kept together(sometimes it works with really large tanks but I don't recommend it) or with long finned slow moving fish.
They are also not suitable for a 15 gallon...especially with other fish.

Everyone is going to have different experiences...for example my rainbow shark doesn't bother my fish most of the time. He does chase them on occasion...but nothing that would cause me any concern.
My RTB Shark is very peacful in my 50G tank. There is only the one but it hangs out with my clown loaches sometimes and scavanges for food etc the rest of the time. He's perfectly chilled out.

The only thing is I think as people have said your tank is full anyway and I wouldnt add anymore. Especially a fish that can grow to half a foot in length.

I got a faint picture of my red tail black shark, lerking at the back of the shark (Her favortie spot), so she aint too defined

My RTBS has been living in one of my community tanks with no problems. When I first got him he chased around a bit but then when the clowns chased him back he finally got the message :rolleyes:
How big is the territory for a typical RTBS? (Assume no artificial barriers)

I did once consider putting one into my 3ft mbuna tank but decided against it.
my rainbow shark chases my tiger barbs on occasion but generally he is fine. He leaves the flying fox alone, surprisingly.

Ill probably get yelled at for saying this now, but i have my RTBS in my ten gallon!! :D She is only a baby - not even 2 inches long, though obviously she will get bigger. When she gets too big i will be moving the whole tank over to a much bigger one so hold back on the abuse people! :p lol

Ive found that she's probably the most peaceful fish in my tank!!! All she really does is sit looking out of the pot she shares with the Bristlenose Pleco, and even the guppy chases her at feeding time! :rolleyes: lol

I wouldn't risk putting two RTBS's or rainbow shraks together as they can be very aggressive with their own species as people have said... But i guess it does partly depend on the temperment of the individual fish. Some will be aggressive and some wont... :)

the lone rtb shark in my 30gal tank had been fine, but then i totally changed the layout and now it chases my keyhole cichlids constantly. they were looking really stressed so i decided to segregate the little bugger. have no other tanks so it's back to the lfs for him... :no:
i love my rtb, its very peaceful, yet pretty active, it only chases the tiger barbs that its with when they come over and harass it, for the most part it either hides in its cave or just swims around all day long eating algea

they're jumpers though...
i had a really beautiful one, but the thing jumped out of the tank one night, who knew it could fit out the little whole where the heater sticks in...
Geez, that means they will probably jump out of every tank I own! So far, fortunately I haven't hd any fishes jump out... I was condiering getting some S Multipunctatus until I read about them jumping out easily so I stopped. Looks like the RTBS has similar issues...
you're right about them jumping - last night he jumped back into the main tank and now i can't catch him! :grr:
noop said:
you're right about them jumping - last night he jumped back into the main tank and now i can't catch him! :grr:
LOL... :lol: I guess that proves it...

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