Red Spots On Golden Barb.


New Member
May 31, 2009
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Tank size: 180litres
tank temp: 26/C

Fish Symptoms: I have had my tank set up for the past 18 months and just recently (In the last 2 months) my Golden Barbs have developed bright red spots around the base of their fins and on their sides. This causes them to swim erratically and 'flick' against the sides and corners of the tank. I was advised that this may be an internal infection and treated the tank with Sterazin. The younger of the two Barbs responded to treatment and is now fine but the older one (18 months) doesn't seem to be able to shake of the problem.

The spots are a livid red with white protusions in the middle and really seem to cause him discomfort. I have since isolated the Barb which is still suffering with this in order to prevent a potential epidemic but wondered if anyone else could offer advice. I have trawled the internet over the past few months to see if anyone else has found this problem but sadly noone seems to have any answers. My own theory is that the person who runs my local fish shop was correct in his diagnosis (The younger of the barbs has been clear for a month now) but that due to his age the older one has more difficulty or is perhaps unable to shake it off.

Everything else in my tank is thriving, there are no problems to report with any other fish but this Barb is apparently unable to heal. I wondered if anyone has any advice? I am unable to photograph the fish unfortunately as I don't have access to camera equipment.

Thanks in advance,


Volume and Frequency of water changes: 30% every fortnight

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Bactyzym

Tank inhabitants: 3 silver sharks, 2 sucking loaches, 2 flying foxes, 6 serpae tetras, 4 rummy nose tetras, 2 penguin tetras, 5 harlequins, 2 clown loaches, 2 golden barbs

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):none

Exposure to chemicals: Sterazin
Your tanks overstocked can you post water stats please in - ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph..

Red spots can be septicemia to external parsites.
Any excess mucas on gills or body of fish.
Does the body look opaque with excess slime.
Are the gills pale with excess mucas or red and inflamed.
Do the fish swim in a jerky movement.

If the fish are flicking and rubbing and erratic swimming it could be skin flukes if water quality is good.
But need to look at your water stats first to rule out bad water quality.

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