Random Discussion

Gotta respect the fish store though. When I was setting up my first tank they walked be through it and refused to sell me fish until the tank was cycled, having me come in once a week for water tests.

Not many places do that

One other place I like to go to refuses to sell you certain fish depending on what tank size you say you have.
Ohhhhh that might be just what I’m looking for 👀👀

I mentioned it causally to my expensive LFS about considering a salt water tank and window (Tank?) licking, and hooo boy I got an absolute LOAD DOWN

Information on sumps, protein skimmers, UV clarifiers, aquarium cooler, live rock, live sand, something about coral and feeding it or how to maintain them and how the cooler is a must if you have coral, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed but I think he rattled off more.

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Summary of what I got: it’s a lot cheaper and easier to do freshwater 😂😂😂
Really hope it helps!!

Sorry the fish store overwhelmed you lol. But they sound like a really good store though!
Really hope it helps!!

Sorry the fish store overwhelmed you lol. But they sound like a really good store though!

They are a good store! Just… really really expensive 💀

Like. I’m in California and so everything is expensive already, but but this fish store is at least triple the prices of other local fish stores. It stinks because on one hand I want to support the local business but in the other hand I could get the same fish so much cheaper if I just drive 20 minutes up the road 😭
In a completely hypothetical situation where a 55 gallon kinda just falls into your lap…. Ignoring water parameters… what would y’all stock it with?

Honestly I’m just trying to broaden by range of fish because the internet uses like the same 15 fish for recommendations no matter what tank size you google
I'd expand my current tea garden tank with a big school of odessa barbs, more hillstream loaches, and a crew of firebelly toads if I can ever find some.
I'd expand my current tea garden tank with a big school of odessa barbs, more hillstream loaches, and a crew of firebelly toads if I can ever find some.
I'd duplicate a tank I had in Ohio with slate chunks and broken pieces to build caves. I'd stock matching what I had in Ohio with blue and yellow acara, jack dempsy, green terror, convicts. All would be single fish except the convicts would be a pair. The stocking sounds like a recipe for disaster but if all the cichlids are put in young and small it works fine. Oh, there would also be a pleco but not sure what type. Substrate would be pulled from a creek behind my apartments that has very small pebble stones as a bed. The substrate would also be a copy of the Ohio tank as that tank's substrate also came from a river bed.

<edit> Oh, filtration would be under gravel with four risers. two risers would be air and two would be power heads.
Pet Product Marketing
I find it amazing what lengths companies will go to help sell their products.
Saw this today at Petco.
I just got a free 40. I'm going to turn it into a stream tank with a small rapids, and put 5 4cm killies in it. I'm hoping that in a year, it will have a large population.

The "weed cures everything because obviously no one was ever sick and died when it was around" crowd are pushing derivatives to calm dogs and cats around here. There'd be fish meds if they could swing it. I really don't want my dog to crave stoner music and french fries while spending 3 days planning to start a 10 minute walk.

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