Ram Eggs !!!

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Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
Great White North
Hi all,
My rams that I've had in my tank for about 3 weeks have decided to lay eggs!!! :D

They have laid them on the heater. Some are on the glass tube of the heater and some are on the plastic where the heater controls are.

Will the eggs be ok there or are they gonna get fried??

I'll try and post some pics soon.
Are they clear or are they white? They may be fertile, but im not sure they stand a chance on the heater :(

If you put in somne large flat rocks they might find it easier to lay, they will be looking for a smooth surface.

Rams prefer warmer water ,mid 80's, especially during spawning, maybe if you up the temp next time they'll spawn somewhere else. They're obviously trying to ensure that their eggs are warm enough, pretty smart IMO. ;)
Hmmm.. I would personally think they wouldn't be safe there. I know my heater says it should not be touching ANTHING else in the tank. Good luck tho. Rams are easy to spawn, but the eggs are difficult to care for! (from experience.)
Turns out they were infertile from the start. White instead of clear as they should be.
Somebody decided to eat them too cause they were all gone this morning.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that they'll try again.

They're only about 4 months old could that have anything to do with the infertile eggs?
if they are young, maybe they just havent got it down right yet... might take a few spawnings before they get everything right... good luck tho

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