I have a 1.5 gallon square tank with a tetra 3i filter (powered my an air pump). Can I raise live food in this? I have small fish: livebearers, small tetras, and a betta. My betta is my largest fish. Whatever live food I raise has to stay small enough for my neons (smallest fish) to eat. What can I raise and how do I raise it? Is there anything I have to do with the tank or filter before I start raising live food? The tank is already cycled. It is currently quarantining my endlers. They'll move to the livebearer tank on Saturday and I can start raising food. I would like to raise food that breeds quickly but wont overrun the tank if I don't feed them live food every day. I was planning on feeding live food every other day switching between live and flake. I have an entire can of flake food to use.