One of the easiest live foods to culture. This is a great starter option for live food. Let's talk about them.
I use plastic food containers. I cut holes in the top for air then tape pieces of coffee filter over them to keep critters out. Inside I use coconut fiber for medium. About an inch. I got some plastic disks off Amazon for collecting the worms. Some people use plastic mesh. Some people use green cleaning pads as a culture medium. I tried it and didn't get the best results.
I feed mine mostly premium kitten food. Sometimes I give them a vegetable based flake fish food. Or rolled oats.
I put the food under the plastic disks. A lot of worms stick to those disks. So at feeding time, I dip the disks in a bowl of water then use a pipette to feed my fish. Couldn't be easier.
This is a fairly new culture. There will be a lot more worms soon.

I use plastic food containers. I cut holes in the top for air then tape pieces of coffee filter over them to keep critters out. Inside I use coconut fiber for medium. About an inch. I got some plastic disks off Amazon for collecting the worms. Some people use plastic mesh. Some people use green cleaning pads as a culture medium. I tried it and didn't get the best results.
I feed mine mostly premium kitten food. Sometimes I give them a vegetable based flake fish food. Or rolled oats.
I put the food under the plastic disks. A lot of worms stick to those disks. So at feeding time, I dip the disks in a bowl of water then use a pipette to feed my fish. Couldn't be easier.
This is a fairly new culture. There will be a lot more worms soon.