I can purchase live black worms to feed my fish but do not know anything about them as a food source. Anyone feed their fish black worms? How do they compare to brine shrimp or daphnia nutritionally? Can small fish eat them? Thanks.
In the mid-1950s, Rosario became one of the few to spawn the fabled Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)...............
And, the spawning of the Neon Tetra led to many other notable spawnings of all kinds of fish. Many of those spawnings were the first of their kind in America, if not the world.
You don't want to use live bloodworms (Chironomid midge larvae) because they can damage the fish's stomach if the fish swallows them whole. If the fish chews them up first it's not an issue but fish that swallow their food can die from swallowing live ones.I've never had enough live bloodworms to have an opinion.