

Planted Experimentalist
Apr 2, 2011
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New journal, thought I better try and keep up with Ian on re scapes ;), I went to my LFS and they have loads of beautiful redmoor and I couldn't resist so after trying to fit it in to the original scape I bought a few extra plants, got rid of a load of Crypts and it looked so different I thought I may as well go with a new scape.

Tank - Arc 60
Filter - Aquamanta 800LPH external
Heater - 100W internal hidden
CO2 - 2KG FE, Dici reg, UP inline diffuser 1BPS
Lighting - DIY LED 24W
Ferts - Aqua Nourish 4ml daily & Nourish + 8ml daily
Hardscape - mini landscape rock & redmoor
Plants - Microsorum Pteropus Narrow & Needle, HC, Glosso, Hydrocotyle, Echinodorus Tennelus, Anubias Nana Petite, Xmas Moss, Fissidens Fontanus, Weeping Moss, Crypt Wendtii, Balansae, Parva, Beckettii, Undulata & Wendtii Brown & Aponogeton Crispus and Crispus Red.

Sounds like loads of plants but when all the Crypts are together filling the back in its not so much. This scape is more about plants on hardscape. Will put up some pic's tonight as the window reflects on it during the day.
waiting for pics?? (again!)

ps it's dark now Steve...
Here you go a quick pic, hopefully the HC and Glosso will carpet, HC front, Glosso Back to give a bit of depth and now its just a waiting game for it all to fill in. Sorry about the fish they hide a lot, only see them when its feeding time and when there's not a lot of activity in front of the tank. All comments and criticisms welcome. P.S. The rock in the middle of the wood is holding it down lol.

New pics 130 by ps3steveo, on Flickr
Looks great Steve. The only things is (for me) is that the general look is very similar to before. Would love to see something completely different.
have to agree with Minnnt...however it is well planted, and well thought out.

are you gonna take that light higher as well, was it this low just for the pic?
I know what you mean, the shape is the same, I can't seem to do a lot with the space in the tank if you know what I mean, plus being out of work doesn't help with funding, wanted to do an Iwagumi but none of my massive box of MLR is suitable, need to go to a shop that sells some and pick it out myself rather than ordering online. Its not quite finished yet either, planning on some more wood on the right to have the whole thing a mind of forest look but need to get funds for wood and some more mosses, ferns etc. It should look a lot different plant wise this time round once its grown in hopefully, you can't see the Crypts in this as they just fill the very back in. Yeah Ian I'm gonna move the light up a little but the missus wont let me hang it so probably longer legs.
Think I might re start this when its finished lol, just been looking over old pic's and I think I'm not stepping out of my comfort zone. Oh well, Anubias Petite, Staurogyne, Needle Fern, Bolbitis Mini, Trident Fern and another bit of wood are on the shopping list.
Good luck with Stau.
I think it's allergic to 60L tanks
Good luck with Stau.
I think it's allergic to 60L tanks

I know what you mean there dude, I cant seem to grow it in any tank tho, I think it might be the huge amount of liquid carbon I was chucking in, oh well we'll see how it goes with pressurised CO2. :)
Well I bought some Bolbitis Mini from abroad so wont be in the best shape when it turns up but should be worth it. Staurogyne arrived today, should have better luck this time as its already grown submerged. Think I'll see how it goes when the Bolbitis arrives as the shape of the wood is growing on me so once its grown in should look very different to the previous scape, the only similarity would be the triangular shape but we'll see, may add more wood one day. I'm not planning another scape in this tank till I get the big un sorted and sell this one with my other tanks.
Plants are all filling in, once this is grown in it will be a totally different scape, the CO2 is working wonders with the speed of the growth, the Staurogyne is shooting runners and the Bolbitis wasn't in too bad shape when it arrived, Tenellus has been removed and is growing in my emersed set up, ordered some more Staurogyne 1-2 grow pots so giving those a try, might do a full scape with them once the Dutch scape has served its puropse. Any way just a small update. :)

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