I don't have room for it right now but I'm hoping when I move and get a little more money I can get a tank, divide it, and get two more lovely bettas. (I've loved raising one so even though I know a lot of people don't agree with it but I would probably get two more baby bettas and give them a good proper life.) I've never divided a tank before so I have a few questions. Do you need two filters or how does one side get filtered if there is only one? Since its for bettas does the divider have to go all the way to the lid (I know they are jumpers)? Is it okay to have a female on one side and a male on the other of you're not planning on breeding them? Since I would probably get babies it can be difficult to sex them but I'm fairly confident (aka cocky) in my ability to sex bettas. Ummm, well my brain just glitches out so that's all the questions I can thing of for the moment - oh! Kind of off hand question: does anyone know generally how much it is in electric bill to keep tanks running? I already have a five gallon and my boyfriend brought up the idea of the electic bill could possible go up with more than one tank and I hadn't thought about that so that is some food for thought before I purchase another one. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.