questions about water changes, platy diseases..

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Boca Raton, Florida, USA
Hey all again, I got tons of questions that need answers, so if anyone can help I will greatly appreciate it.
To start off I will give a complete history of my tank. Some of the info might be really in detail and uneccesary, but I want to mention everything.

on 11/24/04 I purchased a 20 gallon tank with acc. which include: heater, water filter, fish net, and ofcourse cover with light fixture. I also purchased a self syphon gravel cleaner, a rock decor, tons of plastic plants and 25lbs of gravel. In addition an airstone and airpump with the hoses and valves.

Ok with all that said I first filled the tank to check for leaks, cleaned it, got the water out. Then I cleaned the gravel and spread it nicely in the tank. Next the tank was filled and the appropriate level of a dechlorinator was added. Then the decor and plastic plants. Lastly the air stone, thermometer and water filter. Insterted a filter cartridge filled with carbon and turned everything on.

I let it cycle for aprox. five and a half days (should have waited longer) and then I purchased my first fish on 11/29/04. I did not have a test kit at this point so I do not have any numbers. The first fish were: 2 male red tuxedo platys (one was huge and had beautiful long fins), 2 female red velvet swordtails, and 2 albino cory catfish. I carefully examined the tanks they were purchased from for any dead or sick looking fish.

So only after 2 days (12/01/04) one of the velvets showed up a white pimple on her left fin (back then I was tottaly unaware of ich, but I still knew it was a bad sign). I went to the lfs where she was purchased and asked for help. The friendly lfs employee gave me a medication mixture and told me to pour it in my tank, it was a heavy blueish color. So I get home and pour it in and turn off the water filter. I let it do its work for 36 hours but the pimples kept showing up on her all over now. I was about to give up and return her. After a total of 48 hours of after pouring in the medication mixture I noticed that the second velvet showed a white pimple on her tail fin. At this point I gave up and netted both of the velvets and turned the filter back on. I exchanged them for 2 female tuxedo platys, one red and the other orange. After a day or two the blue hue was completely gone from the water and I changed the filter cartridge with a brand new one. When I returned the velvets the lfs did a test on my water and said everything is in great shape except the ammonia was really high, he told me not to add anymore fish and wait for the ammonia to drop, I asked what I could use to drop it quicker, he told me to get aquarium salt and some cycle treatment that has bacteria in it. So I did all that and even purchased my own test kit. Then suddenly that same night before I even added anything the beautful male platy with the long fins was strangely swimming near the top of the water, rather not swimming but staying still. The next morning he was dead. I netted him out returned him (with the 14day policy) and out of spite bought 2 khuli loaches.

I put in some plastic tubes inside the front of the tank and covered them with gravel with only the two ends emerging. The kuhlis love hanging out in there during the day and sometimes peek out and swim around the plants and search for food.

I kept testing my ammonia and it NEVER seemed to drop, it was always between 4 to 8ppm. (even to this day)

Feeling I was out of options I bought a product called Ammo-Lock and I don't know if that works since the tests will pick up the locked ammonia as if were still toxic.

During the entire month of december I did 10% water changes and syphoned the gravel nice and clean.

The fish seemed happy after everywater change, their fins were fully extended and they gained some pretty colors on their bodys and nice colors on their scales.

So on 1/1/05 I started to log everything I do and the results of tests. (I consider the month of december my newbie month)

On 1/1/05 my tests showed: ammonia: 4ppm, nitrate: 4ppm, nitrite: 2ppm, pH: 7.6

On 1/2/05 the pH was 7.7

On 1/4/05 ammonia was 6ppm, nitrate was 2ppm, nitrite was 3.5ppm, and the pH was 7.5

With all that said here are my questions:

1. My water changes are either a 10% (2gal) or a 20% (4gal). In either change half the new water is from bottled disstiled water and the other half is treated tap water. Is it ok to use disstiled water? eventually I want to use 100% of disstiled water in my changes. Ofcourse I have 5gal buckets with a heater and its own air pump to add oxygen to the water. My tank temp is 79-80 degrees and so is the water I change.

2. On 1/4/05 I purchased a female sunset platy for the sole reason to divide the stress between my other 2 female platys from the male. But the odd situation was that she was not nipping, but BITTING my orange platy directly on the side and it was so fierce that she pushed her down all the way to the gravel and the poor orange platy was wobbling or shaking due to it. She swam like a shark, up and down against the currents of the flow from the water filter and up and down with the air bubbles from the air stone. She was very aggresive towards ALL the fish in the tank. This caused more stress for the fish so I netted and returned her the next morning. Just for say all fish were acclimated for 15 minutes and water was added to their bag for another 15 minutes. They were then netted out of their store bags and into the tank making sure none of the store water got in. My question is how a this sunset female platy was so aggresive?

3. It is 1/5/05 and the same orange tuxedo platy that was attacked by the sunset platy is showing a slightly whiteish film on the side she was attacked on. It doesn't cover her entire side but only the upper middle part, with the exception of a spot right in the middle of that film! Ill try to get a picture. I know it sounds confusing but my guesses are either a fungus or she is healing from the attacks? She eats well, no problems there, any ideas?

4. Last question: the water filter that came with the tank kit looks crappy imo, I was thinking of getting a BIO wheel filter, I have heard good reviews about that, any input?

Thanks alot for reading this and I hope I can get some answers!


P.S. I feed the fish flakes and I buy organic lettuce(they really love it) tiger shirmp which I feed live and oh man is it a frenzy then. Then after two days I dry out the shrimp and grind it into a slight power or little granules and the fish love that too.
I am new here and will let the experts tell you what you should do but i do know that your ammonia and nirite reading are Very high, mine did that and i did a 50% water change immediatly and 10% water change everyday. Your tank sounds like its still cycling and you should Not :no: put any more fish in it, your fish seem to be stressed and im guessing that the female who fought your fish was introduced into a tank which is in the process of cycling (when she had come from a cycled tank in the shop). Adding aquarium salt will help reduce fish stress. Water changes cant hurt your fish it can only help so daily 10% water changes should help your fish and keep testing the water daily and keep an eye on them. My tank is going through the process of cycling with fish , i have 8 red platys and i am on day 11 and all fish are fine.
Good luck to you and your fish.
I will leave the experts to explain more about your questions
thanks for the reply I forgot to mention that my one of the female platys had babies 2 weeks after I got them! Im thinking I bought her pregnant, I only found 4 babies, I bought a little tank that goes inside my tank and they just chill in there, so far its been 2-3 weeks and they are growing quite fast!

another thing I forgot to mention is that when I change my water I add a tablespoon of Aquariumsalt and the tap water dechlorinator.

hello Blask and welcome to the board.

first off i think you have started with too many fish where your tank water couldnt handle it and the beneficial bacteria was not coping.
I agree with Tess you should make more frequent water changes on a daily basis of 15 - 20% until you control your amonia and get your nitrit spike.
Disstiled water, im no expert, but i think that regular water has some essential minerals that are needed for the eco cycle, while using the disstiled water will not have those minerals.
Platy is a great fish and very hardy, but they do get teretorial sometimes specialy if they are under stress, as for the fry i would suggest that you move them out of the main tank and put them in a stand alone small tank or a medium size jar, that way you can reduce the risk of them going the truma of the water parametere changes while you can change the water for them every other day( i have done that ans now i have about 30 of different ages.
The treatment chemical probably had killed most of your benificial bateria if not all so you will be considering as starting from scratch again. the white stuff is the healing of the skin but keep a very close eye on it, if you have yet another small tank that you can utilize as a hospital tank move it there for a week with the salt and Methylene blue under treatment so you do not need to medicate the entire tank. you do not need filters for the fry tank and the temp. hospital tank.

I know that the above are only suggestions but i hope that it helps.
You dont need to add salt at every water change, i was told to calculate the amount of water i have taken out since the last time i added salt. I have made 120% water change since the last time i put salt in so i added some more, so if you have only done a 50% water change since you added salt you do not need to add anymore, the salt will say in the water it does not evaporate.
Hopefully an expert will answer your post soon.
well just an update so far---

did a 30% change today (all tap water, treated) (a 20% in the morning and 10% at night) the ammonia is finnaly dropping but slowly from 8 to 6ppm down to 3.5 - still very high.

the orange tux, she seems to be healing, i have not taken her out, i will just see what happens

today was acutally very odd, all the fish were at the top of the water and just sitting there, fins extended and just relaxing i guess from all the stress they endured from that sunset platy the day before.

thanks for the replys, i was thinking since distilled doesnt have minerals, maybe using spring water instead?

plus im highly considering getting some gravel or filter media from my lfs, but the only thing that worries me is diseases etc..

where are those experts! lol questions pending

ferrikins here are the questions directly:

1. is disstiled or spring water good to use in water changes?

2. i introduced a female sunset platy to my 3 tux platys and she was bitting them all, especially my orange tux female-who now has ich, and now all my fish are sick, could it be she was attacking them bcuz she knew they were sick?

3. the orange female tux has some white film on her, is it a fungus or the way she heals?

4. a good biowheel filter for a 20gal tank?

I'll answer your main questions but I also suggest you read through the first three links in my signature (though I have a feeling I've already replied to one of your posts before so maybe I've already told you to do that :p).

1. is disstiled or spring water good to use in water changes?
Distilled deffinately not. It is missing some very important minerals that your fish need to survive. Spring water is ok but would be expensive and realy quite pointless. Tap water is the best IMO. Not only is it cheap and always available (in case of emergencies), it is also probably the same as what your LFS uses so it will be less of a change for when you bring new fish home. All you need to add to tap water is de-chlorinator.

2. i introduced a female sunset platy to my 3 tux platys and she was bitting them all, especially my orange tux female-who now has ich, and now all my fish are sick, could it be she was attacking them bcuz she knew they were sick?
Possibly but it is more likely she was just being a fish and trying to tell everyone else she is queen of the tank :p Treat the sick fish with an ich med if you haven't done so already (I did read your post and you mentioned you had treated them with something but I don't know). Don't turn the filter off when you treat, just take out the black carbon.

3. the orange female tux has some white film on her, is it a fungus or the way she heals?
White film? Can you describe this more? You said there's a white spot in the middle? Do try to get some pictures. She may have a bacterial infection. Clean water is the key. Is your tank cycled yet? Do you have a spare tank to isolate her and treat her with an anti-bacterial med? Anti-bacterial meds will usualy, unfortunately, cause your tank to re-cycle...

4. a good biowheel filter for a 20gal tank?
Anything rated for a 30 gallon and up :D It's always best to over-filter.
ya she was getting bitten one day and the next day she developed that white film over her wound. the second day all fish looked sick and she got a little white dot on her tail fin. the third day she got a second white dot on her tail find. the fourth day the white film went away on her body and it looks like her wound is healing real quick, the white spots are diminishing as it looks after i put rid-ich in there. thanks for the advice sylvia, tess, ferrikins, and newbie hob


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