Question Re Stand


Fish Crazy
Sep 1, 2011
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Sorry if this is the wrong place.
I bought a 50 gal tank and stand on craigslist.  Have repainted the stand, and ready to put the tank on it.
My question is:  can I put those furniture movers, called 'magic sliders' under it?  Should I?
There are the ones I am thinking of using:
Also, I will have tank and stand on a hard wood floor.  I will be using a HOB not a canister filter.  Should I put something under the stand - like, those mats that interlock, which I see at doggie day care?  Or is it fine directly on the hardwood floor?
The hardwood floor is real wood not laminate, and is 18 months old.
I read that with water the set up is going to be over 600 pounds, so I want to make sure I get the set up correct from the start.
You can put the movers under it. Although I wouldn't, and I doubt that they'd work all that well. Tanks aren't designed to have movement, you'll risk the seams, so I'd advise against it. You don't want that much water suddenly finding it's way onto the floor.
Real wood and water don't mix all that well, and if you're anything like me, you'll be fine for most of the time with not splashing water, until that time when a hose comes disconnected and you end up with a bucketful down there. Grab a handful of towels, and leave them in the cabinet, you'll want them. As for levelling, depends on the floor, you want the tank to stay level when full. You can always test fill it and see what it does, but it will indeed be heavy.
OK thanks.
Tank is all set up, water is in, heater is on, filter is running!
I don't have a canister filter, it is a HOB.
The magic sliders are going to focus the weight into 4 distinct points rather then accross the whole base.  Bad for the floor.  A good tank won't leak, no concerns for water damage.  Most I would do is put felt or something under the whole base if your that concered, but I think you will be fine as is.
Thanks; I set it all up last Friday.  In the end I just set it directly on the floor.
It isn't tank leaks I worry about.  It is my messy tank maintenance! 

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