Puffing In A Cigar


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
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Long Island, NY
Looking in my tank today, I thought I had parasites. The one piece of wood I had in there was moving. Lo and behold...FRY. Babies. I'm a DAD. LOL. I added kribs about a month or so ago. In almost a decade of fishkeeping, this is a first. I have to go back and hit the books. SH


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Actually, technically, you're a grandpa...
Aww, congrats! I'm raising an unexpected baby fish right now. It's a nice experience :)
Great stuff. It's one of those GOOD unexpected things that can happen with this hobby. It's funny because I find myself re-investing interest and time into my tank. Great stuff. Although I run a SW tank, there still is an ease and smoothness of running a FW tank. SH
Thanks shelagh. Best of both worlds. Fresh and salty. SH
Krib fry are fun. Have you figured out how to feed those little guys SH? If you don't breed intentionally, newly hatched egg layers can be a bit of a trial. I always have some nice microworms on hand but not everyone would have that blessing for feeding newly hatched fish.
Kribs are chunky enough fry that they'll actually be ok with baby brine shrimp & even crushed up flaked and the juice & particles from other frozen food. They'll also take commercial fry food. Since you've got plants, SH, they're probably getting enough to eat right now, but you do have to increase the feeding frequency & start supplementing their diet if you want to raise them.

They don't look like newly hatched fry to me.

I yield to LLJDMA's expertise. It has been a while since I bred kribs.

OM, I haven't bred kribs since the 1990s... :look: they were like the first fish I bred after angels & swordtails. I was still in High School... :lol:

It's up to you, SH, what you want to do.

io have a male krib and got rid of my female as they got really aggressive kind want to get another one but was told once they have fry and they get bigger u need to get rid cause they fight
Actually, technically, you're a grandpa...

:lol: Congrats gramps! :good: Long ago when I bred them it was also an accidental breeding. Since I was breeding angels at the time bbs was the food of choice for the fry, they did well on it. As I recall I was able to switch them to dry food a bit sooner, flake food & a coffee grinder, feed just a tiny bit as the flake food grinds down to about 25% of the original volume.

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