Pristella Tetra Fry!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:hyper: I can't believe that my pair of Pristella Tetars bred! During the week, I noticed that they were preforming their courting and spawning behavior, but I never expected them to be breeding! Last night, as I was hunting around my 29 gallon tank for swordtail fry, I captured two tiny black fry. I carefully examined them and discovered that they were not from my female swordtail. My next guess was that they were from my pregnant guppy, but she was still full of fry. -_-

:thumbs: After I moved the mysterious fry into a claer cup, I observed their bodies and found out that they were the fry from my Pristella Tetars! Their bodies are narrow, have faint black vertical lines and their tail is forked. The fry are safely in the breeder net, but I don't have the slightest clue how to care for them. I'm really despearte for advice, like feeding and care since I never had tetra fry. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! ;)

(I also posted another post in the Breeding Section) :fish:
i posted in your thread in the breeding section
:D Thanks Doggfather! I read your answer in my other post and it was a relief to find out that I have a little information about caring for tetra fry! I'll keep you all updated on how the little ones are doing! :D

:/ Does anyone have some suggestions on names for my two Pristella Tetar fry? They were the only ones that survived the hungry months of my other fish and the only fry I could find, so I thought I should call them something special. :thumbs:
you could call one Dogg...or arn't i special enougt :rolleyes:

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