Fish Fanatic
I have a black molly that i think is pregnant.
other fish mates include
2 columbian tetras
2 bleeding hearts
2 ruby sharks
1 large (and mean) angelfish
1 other black molly
1 sucker fish
30 gal tank
there is plenty of fake plants and a log that she is content to hide in and call her own. she is very square looking. i just got her on Saturday. Should i set up another tank just for her or allow her and fry to tough it out? I'll try to post a pic.
this is a link to the pic of her.
other fish mates include
2 columbian tetras
2 bleeding hearts
2 ruby sharks
1 large (and mean) angelfish
1 other black molly
1 sucker fish
30 gal tank
there is plenty of fake plants and a log that she is content to hide in and call her own. she is very square looking. i just got her on Saturday. Should i set up another tank just for her or allow her and fry to tough it out? I'll try to post a pic.

this is a link to the pic of her.