Preggo Black Molly?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2013
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I have a black molly that i think is pregnant.
other fish mates include
2 columbian tetras
2 bleeding hearts
2 ruby sharks
1 large (and mean) angelfish
1 other black molly
1 sucker fish
30 gal tank
there is plenty of fake plants and a log that she is content to hide in and call her own. she is very square looking. i just got her on Saturday. Should i set up another tank just for her or allow her and fry to tough it out? I'll try to post a pic.
this is a link to the pic of her.
sorry the picture quality is bad.
Yeah it doesn't look very far away now are you leaving it to have them in the tank Along with your other fish
i don't have another tank set up... i bought the mollies and the sharks and the columbians at the same time not expecting to get MORE mollies. I do own a tank divider and there is several fake plants and rocks etc in the tank. but i don't know what to do. do i run out and get a breeder net to just slip into the tank to put her in or use the divider or just let them tough it out in the tank?
If the angel fish is anything like mine that will go for them, I've took my angel out now I'd go with the net if you want to save them
that angel has been in the tank the longest and so it's HIS/HER tank! LOL! so i guess i'll go get a net tomorrow Yippy skippy! LOL. should be interesting. When should i put her in.. as soon as i get the net?
I had my angel the longest but I'm selling it tonight had no choice. I'd put her in when you think she's gonna have them. You can watch the fish so you know best
she is content to not move a muscle. grrr... i have ground cover and rocks so i hope they find hidey holes... but i'll get box and maybe some foliage for up top for them. i'm so nervous now!!
If she's not moving she's gonna have them very soon
ya... i'm afraid it will be while i'm gone today!!! i have a 4 hour job interview roughly.. and then i'm gonna rush to the pet store i got her from get some kind of greenery for them incase she has them and a box. HOLD ON MAMA MOLLY!!!
Good luck let me know how it goes I'm expecting my guppies to have the fry today but idiot fish work till four so I won't know till I get in
OH no... i hope you make it in time for your guppies!!

i've turned the tank light out so maybe they can have a fighting chance and found some stuff to float in the top of the tank till i get home... it's fake but maybe it will help out?
I've got the guppies in a breeding trap so should be fine

Yeah I think you'll have a few fry left its just hard to try and find them in the tank
She dropped while i was gone today!!! NO FRY LEFT!! that i can tell. GRRRR... well at least i can count about 28 days from now and start watching and hoping and i have the other molly. I also got some fake plants for fish to hide out in. it was intended for fry hideout.. not molly adult hideout! this day went wrong in every way!!
sorry this pic is sideways.. but this is the same molly i thought was pregnant the other day. I've seperated her again and i will leave her here for a few more days i guess and watch her to see what she does... what do you all think??

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