Pop Up Invitation


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
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South Carolina
Anyone know how one would go about to making a pop-up invitation/card?
I really want to do this idea for our wedding invitations but not sure how to go about doing it.
Heh I just thought doing a pop-up invitation would be cute and interesting :p

I know there are probably tutorials on the net, but too lazy and tired to look right now so I'm asking you very fine and creative bunch! heh

I'd love to make ones where they have that spiffy part where if you move it, it'll move something in the pop-up. Like say if it's a pop up of a bride and groom, and you move the piece to make the bride and groom's arms move up and down.. if any of this make any sense heh.

So yeah... any help would be appreciated!
I've only seen pop-up books, never invitations. I guess you may have to look on the internet or call a printer, someone who specializes in invitations.
You will need good card stock, and a bone-folder (to score and fold) if the stock isn't already folded. You will also need a stylus (or something with a sharp enough tip to make an impression on the paper, but not sharp enough to cut into the paper-- a dry, spent ball-point pen will work), a straight-edge such as a ruler, and an X-Acto knife. Work out your design on another piece of paper, then cut out a template of the design, using a very stiff paper or light-weight cardboard. The template will be what you actually will be "tracing" around to get your design, if you want it the same on all the cards, so it has to be sturdy!​

If you wish to add real information, such as the time, date, location, etc., print that information on your stock first. It would be an impossible task to cut all those letters out! LOL! Of course, if you only want that whole sheet to pop out, forget everything here, and just print the paper and glue in inside the card, folding it opposite of the primary fold of the card. Okay... once the info is printed in a small area of the card... continue:​

First you fold the card in half. You cannot make a pop-up card that is folded in fourths!
-Use the bone-folder and straight-edge to make sure the score in your stock is even and solid.​
-Press on the fold so the crease is sharp.​
Next, open the card! You must use an open card to create the design!
-Use the stylus to trace an imprint of your template onto the card, making sure that it crosses the fold. Do not use ink!​
Now, Use the X-Acto knife to cut the design-- But do not cut the top or bottom edge of any letter! You do not want to cut all around the template, or the design will just fall out.​
Finally: Fold the cut out design across the fold, so that it goes in the opposite direction of the fold of the card, and put a crease in the tops and bottoms of the letters where you didn't cut. Across the tops of the letters, fold upward. Across the bottoms of the letters, fold downward.
That way, when you open the card, the message will "Pop Out!"​

If you wish, after you've done all that, use a second piece of card stock, and glue it over the "cover" of your card-- that is, on the outside. This will hide the "cut-out" design from view as you look at the cover. A nice piece of ribbon glued to the outside is enough decoration, unless you want to print your names (on your computer) on the outside. Be careful not to get any glue on the letters you've cut to pop out; if they're glued to the cover, they will not pop. :)

Keep plenty of sharp blades on hand for the cutting. Once your blade gets dull, it begins to tug on the card stock and will shred it.​
Good Luck, and Have Fun! :)

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