Plecs For 4Ft Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2012
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Hi all

Decided to upgrade tanks at some point in the next six months and want to do a little research.
So I have two questions for you all -1 I've narrowed down the plec choices to one of the following, L024 L025 green phantom blue phantom. Any ideas on which to choose?
2- I've currently got corys in the tank, is the plec going to bother them or visa versa?

The deciding factors for the plecs you've mentioned are price and tank size (as all plecs are fine with Corydoras).

The 'phantoms' (Blue = Hemiancistrus sp. L128, Green = Hemiancistrus subviridis, Green High Fin = Baryancistrus demantiodes) are pretty much identical in all aspects of care, their max size is about 25cm/10" so a 120cm/4' tank is ok, and cost between £20-70 for babies to adults.

L024 and L025 are both Pseudacanthicus and identical in care, both grow up to about 45cm/18" and will need 180cm/6' tanks. But since both of these have only recently become available again after a lengthy export prohibition they command a high price. Expect £150-500 from babies to adults.
Planet catfish has the L024 at closer to 12", if it is 12 ten it's be fine in a 4ft but if it is the 18" that would cause problems :( time for some more research methinks
Do you want one or a group?

For me, if its a group then 200's (the hi fin) and it you want one centrepiece fish then get a Pseuda (24/25)
I have a decent sized L128 and baby L200 in my 4 ft and they are fine, the L24 and 25 though would need a bigger tank to allow them to reach their potential

How bout an L114 more easily and available and not too expensive, almost as impressive as well
A group would be nice I think, then there's the possibility of breeding although I don't think its been documented for one...
Fairly certain it has been done, Berlin Aquarium springs to mind for some reason.

imo 128's are nowhere near as attractive as 200 hi fins, which are also a smaller fish.
I saw one 200 which was this vibrant green then discovered that they're actually an olive colour which doesn't do much for me. I find a lot of nice looking ones that actually aren't the colour displayed, makes me sad. Still love the plecs though
For comparison

My old L128, circa 5.5-6 inches


My old L200 hi fin, about 4 inches, beautiful fish

They're nice fish, very nice indeed. What sort of lighting are they under?
Do they get on with plants? I'm gonna guess no given their habitat in the wild?
And there's something, you said if I wanted one centre piece ie the 24/5 but everyone else says they're too big for a 4ft tank...

Just to muddy the waters a little more lol I've seen some nice black and orange plecs dunno what number, is it possible to keep one or two of each for a bit more colour in the tank? Or am I better off with some small fish higher up or both?
They're nice fish, very nice indeed. What sort of lighting are they under?
Do they get on with plants? I'm gonna guess no given their habitat in the wild?
And there's something, you said if I wanted one centre piece ie the 24/5 but everyone else says they're too big for a 4ft tank...

Just to muddy the waters a little more lol I've seen some nice black and orange plecs dunno what number, is it possible to keep one or two of each for a bit more colour in the tank? Or am I better off with some small fish higher up or both?

No idea what the light was, just one fluorescent tube of some sort, those photos are true representattions of colour though, no adjustment post shot

If you can get a guarenteed 24 then they are smaller, 114 as suggested earlier would also work.

I had both Anubias and Java Fern in that tank, both were fine, have them attached to wood rather than rooted in the substrate.

Will need a photo of the black and orange ones to make a call whether a group is possible.
Group of those will be fine, usual Panaque care requirements apply, plenty of wood in tank, limit protein etc etc, exactly the same as the more common Clown Pleco
Is it possible to mix a couple of the more colourful plecs providing all the needs are met or is it not advised?

Don't suppose anyone knows where I can get some l306 do they? :)
Planet catfish has the L024 at closer to 12", if it is 12 ten it's be fine in a 4ft but if it is the 18" that would cause problems

All the sizes from PlanetCatfish are in standard length (SL) which is measured excluding the caudal fin, so 30cm SL will be about 40cm total length (TL) when including the caudal fin. I've seen pictures of specimens quoted at up to 50cm/20".

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