Kiwi2016 said:
Thanks to everyone for your much appreciated help. Had I have known about this site sooner, I could have saved my fish. When I mentioned the soft water issue to the guy at the aquarium store he felt it was unlikely because all of their fish have the same soft water and are doing fine?
There could be all sorts of reasons why you lost your fish; I'll ask you loads of questions at the end of this post that might help us get to the root of the issue
I would never of thought to feed the pleco veg fruit and veg, how am I to prepare them? Would this have a negative affect on my live bearer fish? I have ordered my water testing kit and waiting for it to come in, then I'll be less paranoid of over feeding the fish. However, I did get a GH & KH kit so will check this soon, although, I don't know what KH is?
Vegetables are best blanched briefly; just pour boiling water over them and let them sit for a minute or two, then rinse in cold water. You can stick a teaspoon through them to make them sink. Fruit can go in as it is. Use pieces about the size of your thumb, and leave in overnight, as many catfish prefer to feed in the dark. It won't bother your livebearers, and it won't be bad for them if they pick at it too.
GH and KH are different ways of measuring hardness. Give us all the results, once you get your test kit. Could you also tell us;
how often and how large your water changes are
what filter you have, what's inside it, and how you clean it
the exact, or as best you can, numbers and species of fish in the tank
the dimensions of the tank
a full tank picture would be useful
Really sorry for all the questions, but fish tanks are little ecosystems and you can't just look at one thing, you have to look at the whole picture