Please Identify My Fish


New Member
Aug 12, 2013
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I picked this fish up from a local fish store because i though it was very cool but i have no idea what type of fish it is....  i want to make sure it doesn't need any special requirements.  currently i'm not too happy with my water parameters but he seems to be doing fine so far.  He has been hanging out next to my heater so i turned it up a little hoping he needs warmer water.  
Please identify my fish!!!!!
thank you for your time


  • 20130812_220521_resized.jpg
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Looks like an Auratus Cichlid.
You might want to be careful of this one, they're known to be a bit aggressive and can grow to 4". What's your current stocking, tank size and water params?
This isn't a fish for the beginner, I'm afraid!

Actually, strike that part about it being aggressive...that one looks like it might be a female and should be fine.
There's some info here...
And here...
I'm a bit baffled they didn't tell you what they were selling you...
+1 just ask whats your water parameters now most importantly PH level?
im new to this game so have no idea what it is, but looks nice

oh and a guess only that if its always near the heater it probably wants more heat or It just fills safe there
correct me if im wrong, i think that particular cichlid changes color as it becomes an adult.
Megalodon said:
correct me if im wrong, i think that particular cichlid changes color as it becomes an adult.
Only the males change color going into adulthood. However I have noticed you see at least a little bit of color difference at this size(I'm guessing this fish is an inch or just a bit more) between males and females.  
This is an Auratis(Melanchromis auratus) . A lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlid. Not a beginner fish.  Yes as someone said they are aggressive...however IMO not any more aggressive then most other Mbuna. 
It needs a PH of about 8.2 and hard water.  If you decide to keep it.. then you should get a tank for just mbuna cichlids and it prefers sand substrate and large rocks for caves and territory to own. They are territorial fish. 
thank you so much for the good information.  This is definitely the right fish.... the bad part is i am a beginner...  My tank is only 10 gallons and is heavily planted so far.  my parameters are ph 8.1, ammonia 0.0ppm nitrite 0.0ppm nitrate 0.0ppm and temp i brought it down to .  my water is super hard and my ph is high and going nowhere so i at least have that going for me.  So far "she"? doesn't seem to aggressive although all i have are about 10 ghost shrimp.  I've been feeding her brine shrimp in the morning and mysis shrimp in the evening because that is what the fish store owner was. but one article says i need to add some vegetation to it's diet.  What types should i do or should i just let it eat what is currently in there and see what happens?  I have no idea why the store owner didn't know what it was.  if i had known she was a cichlid i would have gone with something easier.  although she does look really cool so far...  it sounds like she was probably just hiding by the largest thing in the tank the heater.  so i'm going to get some rocks or decoration to give her a hidy hole.  My current substrate is some crushed coral alot of plant substrate and some larger size gravel.  
I would love some more information and ideas for this fish i will be on most of the night to answer any other questions and provide pictures.
bigbirdslayer666 said:
thank you so much for the good information.  This is definitely the right fish.... the bad part is i am a beginner...  My tank is only 10 gallons and is heavily planted so far.  my parameters are ph 8.1, ammonia 0.0ppm nitrite 0.0ppm nitrate 0.0ppm and temp i brought it down to .  my water is super hard and my ph is high and going nowhere so i at least have that going for me.  So far "she"? doesn't seem to aggressive although all i have are about 10 ghost shrimp.  I've been feeding her brine shrimp in the morning and mysis shrimp in the evening because that is what the fish store owner was. but one article says i need to add some vegetation to it's diet.  What types should i do or should i just let it eat what is currently in there and see what happens?  I have no idea why the store owner didn't know what it was.  if i had known she was a cichlid i would have gone with something easier.  although she does look really cool so far...  it sounds like she was probably just hiding by the largest thing in the tank the heater.  so i'm going to get some rocks or decoration to give her a hidy hole.  My current substrate is some crushed coral alot of plant substrate and some larger size gravel.  
I would love some more information and ideas for this fish i will be on most of the night to answer any other questions and provide pictures.
She may just as easily be a he. This one is young and without a few really good non altered or over exposed pics I couldn't even give you an educated guess. It's very important you get food for herbivore fish. They suffer whats called Malawi bloat if you feed meaty foods..which can kill them. They eat algae..and the best foods are ordered online for this fish..but for now get algae wafers and break it into smaller pieces. Spirulina should be in the ingredient list. you can also put a piece of zucchini in there and anchor it for the Cichlid to eat. However the 10 gallon can only be a grow out tank and then I recommend something more in the 50g range. I'm not sure how well they do individually but Maaayybeee that fish could be kept alone in a 30-40 gallon tank. BTW..that girl/guy will have fun destroying your plants once it feels settled.if after feeding proper foods then it starts to darken and show blue and or black hues on top of the yellow then this is a male..over time that will get much darker with age till it looks nothing like this color wise as an adult. Unfortunately the store had no clue this was a Mbuna and gave you Carnivore cichlid advice

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