Please Help, Sick Betta.


New Member
Mar 18, 2013
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Hi, i need help with my betta. I hve had him for almost a year now but recently i noticed a strange patch on his head, it wasn't white, more of a lighter shade of blue. Anyway the patch became bigger and started to change colour so i isolated him in a baby biorb (15ltr) and went to the lfs where theu advised me to treat him with tetra fungistop, which i have been doing for around two weeks now. These marks have since spread and worsened but his characteristics have not changed, he still swims happily and eats like it was his first ever meal. Some aditional info: he was in a 70 ltr planted tank with two Otos, six Cherry barbs and six neon tetras. Thank for any help and advice!
Images below as i can't upload here for some reason.
I think you can't upload the images because they're huge. Can you edit them on that site and try again? 
Its difficult bacause i'm using my phone but i've figured it out, thanks


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It is very difficult to see these images, can you describe the white patches? 
Are they like a dust covering or fuzzy? 
How many patches are there?
Are they raised or flat?
You say the patch got bigger and changed colour - from what to what?
Is there any chance he has a marble gene in him, as this can cause them to change colour?
Can you add your location to your profile as different countries have different meds etc.

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