Plant Id


New Member
Sep 25, 2012
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This is a plant acquired from the store I work in. A customer brought it in and I couldn't pass up a free plant. It looks crypt-ey, but there's a woody/bulby structure at center and the rosettes appear clustered around it.

The blur in the corner is one of my cherry barbs. They'll be moving out next week to make room for shrimp.

Sorry about the in situ shot. It's bracketed by a couple of very young anubias coffeefolia, so don't let the different leaf shapes throw you off.
Looks like Cryptocoryne Parva as it looks very small but I may be wrong.
Yeah, I'm thinking crypt parva, too. But the woody bit in the center of the stem cluster seems odd to me. It doesn't match my experience with cryptocorynes.

Are there any plants which look like crypt parva, but with a wood-ey/bulby bit in the center?
Aponogetons have a bulb but they grow taller.

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