Plant Id From Lake In New England


Crazy Crab Lady
Staff member
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Jul 23, 2004
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Northeastern USA
I collected this today at a lake near my home in Connecticut and am trying to figure out what it is. Please excuse the awful pic; it's the leafy one I'm interested in since I haven't seen these in the particular lake before. Unfortunately I do not know whether it's native; there are a number of invasive aquatic plants in the area and it's the only one like this I have seen at the lake. Although quite wet, it was 6" away from the waterline on the muddy ground at a boat launch. So, it was either dumped there or dragged up from deeper waters that are too murky to see into. If the genus isn't clear from this pic I will try to get better pics once I get it into a bucket with more water. 

Alternanthera or Ludwigia more likely Ludwigia repens 
its leggy though 
I will admit that "haven't I seen that at a LFS?" was the first thing to go through my head when I picked it up. If Ludwigia is an option, could it be L. palustris instead? That one is native here, although what I've read says it should have been in the shallows. Of course, I'm not too sure what that means whenever I read that kind of description for something. If 10ft is shallow then I guess they could be hiding down there but impossible to see.
it might well be, im not to sure 

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