Planning To Purchase An African Butterfly Fish


New Member
Jul 14, 2007
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Hi, i ve been thinking of purchasing an african butterfly fish. and i was wondering what i should look out for when buying them in a fishstore. Since i think this fish looks quite different from other fishes, i was wondering if disease on this fish might look different? How can i tell if these fishes are healty or not as they are not moving very much. Also, from the looks of the fish, it seems really spiky, some ppl from that store seems to have little knowledge of fishes, so i am afraid if they will ruin the fish if catching them with a net are there any specific ways to catch the fish. Also, what PH would the fish be at best, from different sites, it says 6.5 to 7.5, would it be fine in higher pH? Any more specific information about this fish would be great. Thank you.
I don't have any personal experience with this fish so I can't help you with the first part of your question, sorry.

Also, what PH would the fish be at best, from different sites, it says 6.5 to 7.5, would it be fine in higher pH? Any more specific information about this fish would be great.
As for other information take a look at this (if you havn't already of course) -
AFB's dont move much they are ambush predators, they like nothing mre than to sit in some surface plants and await a tetra or other small fish to swim by then grab it :)

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