Pink Lump On The Side Of My Angelfish... :( [x-post]


Mar 13, 2011
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Sweden/London, UK
Hello guys and girls...

I cross posted this from Emergencys. I got no help there. If such is prohibited the post can be taken down.

I've been having a lot of problems with my tank lately. And today, this.

About 15 minutes ago I noticed that my angelfish had a red/pinkish lump on it's side.


What is it? The tank is: [background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]300L tank with 4 cory cats, 1 Angelfish, 2 clownloaches, and one Bristlenose pleco.[/background]

The temperature is around 25 C, 77 Fahrenheit.

Water stats are normal. (7.6 PH, 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite, 0 ppm nitrate)


What could the problem be?

Sadly, none of my LFS sell medication for fish. The only LFS that does is closed for the next 3 days because they are rebuilding.

Thank you for your help!
I have had these sort of pinkish lumps before on fish and they tend to just disappear as soon as they appear. I did read up an interesting article in PFK about gas embolisms, however it doesnt show a pic of a fish with one. I am presuming that these squishy pink sorts of lumps are these gas embolisms, (sometimes on the body showing up white). Do you have a lot of air being pumped into your tank via an air pump or spray bar? these can be a cause if there are too many really fine bubbles in the water (this is what was wrong in one of my tanks) also when you do a wc if the water going into the tank is cooler than the water in the tank these micro bubbles can also appear and "attach" to the fish. There is no cure for it, it should disperse on its own if you take care re-filling the tank water temperature wise and reduce the bubbles from the spray bar or air pump.

This is the article:

Hope this helps :)

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