Of course when I say 20L, that's the water displacement after including live rock - the tank is ~40L empty.
I have had this tank for 12 months, it was built my my buddies at the LFS and they were good enough to fully cycle and stabilise the tank for me before I took it home. Here it is on the day I picked it up:

A few stats:
Fireaqua nano low iron glass tank with back filter, 35cm cube ~ 43 litre total capacity
Skimmer to help keep the water clean
Inbuilt pump
25W heater
Tunze wavemaker nano for good water circulation for the coral
Zedlight marine LED lights
I also currently have a surface fan on this tank in summer!
Also in the tank is a large sock of mixed activated carbon and Phosguard, about a cup's worth mixed together.
In the tank:
A large quantity of liverock
Aragonite (i think) sand
2 x Trochus snails
A mix of other cleanup crew, bristle worms, a crab in there somewhere, lots of little critters
Tree coral
Quite a few zoas
Button corals
Originally a couple of clownfish, now a clownfish and a yellow clown goby.
I live in the country and when we have power outages, they pretty much last the whole day! So when we had our first power outage after my marine tank came home, I was quite distressed at how quickly the livestock started struggling.
Ultimately I sold the tank about 4 months after I brought it home because of the damage power outages were making. The last straw was when I lost a clownfish to an outage!
Fast forward to last week and my partner suggested getting a generator to supply power if it goes out. Why I never thought of that, I don't know, but I immediately messaged the person who bought the tank, and asked if they would be interested in selling it back? Happily, they agreed, and I went to pick it up
Unfortunately it seems low maintenance wasn't low enough for the seller and instead of weekly changes he had stretched it out to a month at a time. The livestock had died, there was a decaying snail and the corals were dying as well.
So now it's about the rehab
I have had this tank for 12 months, it was built my my buddies at the LFS and they were good enough to fully cycle and stabilise the tank for me before I took it home. Here it is on the day I picked it up:

A few stats:
Fireaqua nano low iron glass tank with back filter, 35cm cube ~ 43 litre total capacity
Skimmer to help keep the water clean
Inbuilt pump
25W heater
Tunze wavemaker nano for good water circulation for the coral
Zedlight marine LED lights
I also currently have a surface fan on this tank in summer!
Also in the tank is a large sock of mixed activated carbon and Phosguard, about a cup's worth mixed together.
In the tank:
A large quantity of liverock
Aragonite (i think) sand
2 x Trochus snails
A mix of other cleanup crew, bristle worms, a crab in there somewhere, lots of little critters
Tree coral
Quite a few zoas
Button corals
Originally a couple of clownfish, now a clownfish and a yellow clown goby.
I live in the country and when we have power outages, they pretty much last the whole day! So when we had our first power outage after my marine tank came home, I was quite distressed at how quickly the livestock started struggling.
Ultimately I sold the tank about 4 months after I brought it home because of the damage power outages were making. The last straw was when I lost a clownfish to an outage!
Fast forward to last week and my partner suggested getting a generator to supply power if it goes out. Why I never thought of that, I don't know, but I immediately messaged the person who bought the tank, and asked if they would be interested in selling it back? Happily, they agreed, and I went to pick it up
Unfortunately it seems low maintenance wasn't low enough for the seller and instead of weekly changes he had stretched it out to a month at a time. The livestock had died, there was a decaying snail and the corals were dying as well.
So now it's about the rehab