New Member
We added 3 Pearl Gourami to the tank today. I had chosen them because a.) they are rather pretty and b.) I had heard they had a more pleasant temperament. Do they heck! I had asked for 2 females, 1 male but in the shop they were a little stressed so their colours weren't showing and they are quite young so it was very difficult to sex them. We agreed to take them and let them calm down for a few days and then see what we had and return any trouble makers. Well after a few hours (and a successful feed) everyone has calmed down a little and turned into nippy little sweeties. 1 in particular is harassing the other 2, but it is targeting one in particular.
The tank is relatively large (300L) and has plenty of plants/ bog wood in for fish to hide in. Should I just leave things be for a couple of days and see if things settle? Perhaps this aggression is just them sorting out a pecking order? Or have I ended up with 2 males... Any feedback on your own experiences of pearl gourami temperament is much appreciated.
The tank is relatively large (300L) and has plenty of plants/ bog wood in for fish to hide in. Should I just leave things be for a couple of days and see if things settle? Perhaps this aggression is just them sorting out a pecking order? Or have I ended up with 2 males... Any feedback on your own experiences of pearl gourami temperament is much appreciated.