Parrot Fish Kissing?


New Member
Oct 9, 2011
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Just bought a new orange parrot fish today, I already have a 2 parrot fish crosses and also another parrot fish exactly the same colour and general size.
When I released the new parrot the two orange parrots after about 5mins looked like they were kissing but then my oscar got involved and looked like he was biting them yet they weren't bitten, also the orange parrots started going at the oscar as well which was very odd as the oscar is the alfa of the tank. Can anyone explain this behgavior?
They were lip locking - its a form of fighting, they are trying to sort out dominance in the tank.

How big is the tank?

The tank is 3ft, all the fish are quite small atm and the tank barely looks filled, I have already got another tank set up ready to move a few of the more aggressive fish over. Thanks for your help :)
Thats kind of the problem then.. Oscars grow very very fast!! And are territorial, and 3 further blood parrots are also.

The general guide for Oscars is 75 gallons for a single fish, you can sometimes get away with tank mates at 90 gallons others need over 120 gallons and a good foot print to the tank.


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