Paradise Fish


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Happy Valley, Utah...Otherwise known as Spanish Fo
I saw these at my LFS and though they were the most beautiful fish I had ever seen!! The sales clerk acted like he had come from Mars and couldn't really give me any info on them...So, I was wondering anyone on the boards had ever owned them before and could tell me a little bit about them. Here's what I have learned from my research.

1.) They are from the same family at Bettas and Guarmies
2.) Like Bettas they will fight another male to the death
3.) Apparantly, they are hostile towards other fish that are smaller than them
4.) They will mistake longer finned fish such as guppies, bettas or even guarmies as another male and will fight them.

Any other info?
Found a profile at - love the comment "Quite intelligent and can be trained to jump through a hoop.". link

Google for Macropodus Opercularis and you should find LOADS of links... unfortunately I can't give you any first hand info.

HTH, Eddie
Damn I missed out on the hoop thing lol I used to have one

I never found it to be hostile towards my neons

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