Panicking - Platy Just Gave Birth...


Mostly New Member
Dec 30, 2014
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Ok, platy just gave birth in community tank. I saw 3 fry - could be more that I didn't see. Then the platy kinda put herself into one of the plants, shook a few times and stopped moving. That was an hour ago. Now she's floating nose down but upside down in one spot-not moving her fins or anythjng. I mean, she looks dead...I just wish there was something I could do. Is this normal for a platy to die after giving after birth? It's probably her first batch of fry. I've only had her 3 weeks.
First: Make sure she's alive or dead.
Second: Sometimes there are difficult births, like with people, but sometimes difficult births are due to water conditions or a stressful environment. Can you please post your tank stats? Any tankmates? What are the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels? Size of the tank? Also, how long have you had the tank set up? Have their been any temperature fluctuations, ph changes, etc?
She died. All of my water levels are perfect. No new changes to the tank. I have 6 other platies, a danio, a snail and a dwarf frog.
"Perfect" does not describe to us the water parameters well enough. Could we please have the specific amount of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH?
What's the tank size? Just asking, because danios need a 4 foot long tank minimum, as well as groups of 6+. But that is not the current issue.
How long has the tank been set up?
Also, what about temp changes and pH changes? (Attibones's questions) This will help us determine possible causes of death, "fine" doesn't help as much :)

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