Fish Fanatic
My 50 gallon has 12 panda corys in it. They have a cave and an alcove behind drift wood that they like to snuggle in. When they do come out you have to sit very very still to watch them. I can be 4ft. from the tank and make the slightest bit of movement with my arm and they scatter in such a hurry. They kick up enough sand that I can hardly see them through it until it settles again. Just wondering why they appear to be so very nervous all the time. They have a heavily planted tank with sand substrate. Hiding places, tank mates are glow light tetras and rummy nose tetras. 2 platys. The other fish don't seem at all bothered by anyone walking by the tank or movement outside the tank even if it's only inches away. But those panda's don't like to be seen. Is this normal of all panda's?