Panda Cory help.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2003
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hi all! i want to know why panda cory so easy to die? i mean in my tank i have pepper cories as well but none of them died since the tank was first established.... but i already lost 3 panda in past few months..... what did you do to maek them stay alive longer like pepper cories?
Perhapes you could give us some more infromation about what your tanks stats are currently at, with that many cories in a tank are you feeding them some suplment food as I'm sure they're doing a fine job of polishing very scrap of left overs off the bottom of the tank. If they all came from the same LFS there might have been a problems with that shippment which I'd suggest you call them and ask if they have had any other people call in with similar problems. One futher question what are you using at the bottom of the tank, gravel or sand?
Pandas are generally kown to be more delicate than many other corydoras species.
What temp are you keeping your tank at? Pandas like it a bit cooler than many other tropicals - when my heater broke and overheated my tank, the pandas were first to die. Perhaps if they are continually stressed by too high temp they would be more prone to disease.

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