I picked up two Bolivian rams around a month ago, I'm pretty sure one is male and one female but they don't want to pair up in my community tank and do quite a bit of fighting at feeding time with occasional lip locking.
I was wondering if its worth while trying to swap out one at a time with the store or another local owner or if to give it a bit more time, how likely am I to be able to pair a couple up in my community tank.
125 ltr planted tank
6 X-ray
9 neon
1 betta
4 corydoras melini
1 bristle nose
4 mollies
2 bolivian rams
I was wondering if its worth while trying to swap out one at a time with the store or another local owner or if to give it a bit more time, how likely am I to be able to pair a couple up in my community tank.
125 ltr planted tank
6 X-ray
9 neon
1 betta
4 corydoras melini
1 bristle nose
4 mollies
2 bolivian rams