Overweight Platy?

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Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:/ One of my female platies looks a bit overweight! I feed my fish 3 times a week and I don't overfeed. She's the fattest platy I have! She's so fat that she looks like she's VERY pregnant! :eek: She's also in the early stages of pregnancy.

I was wondering if I should stop feeding her for a few days? Should I be concerned about her? :unsure:
3 times a day is way too often. You should feed 1, maximum 2 times a day. Most people only feed once, and some people feed only every second day. Anyway, you are overfeeding your fish. yes, you should put her on a diet.
My Platy is pretty fat too....and I only feed a few flakes a day..plus there are 5 other fish...i wonder how you tell if it is pregnant or just fat?? :blink:
Auratus said:
She wrote three times a week, not three times a day. ;)
Oh sorry. Oops I thought she wrote day. :*) Disregard everything I've said. I'll shut up now. *Runs and hides*
:) I feed all of my fish (except the fry) 3 times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I'm certain that she's prenant because I can see the fry's eyes pressing against hern belly. But with her last batch of fry, she wasn't at all fat! :unsure:
She's probably having a bigger batch this time. Livebearers seem to get more fertile with age.
What does being more fertile have to do with size?

Fertile mean they will begin to host more births, not have more fry at these births........ :blink:

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