Out Of Ideas For My Tank.

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Mar 23, 2013
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I just made a thread about if it was ok to bury my heater, and I guess it's not. I have a 2.5 gallon that originally housed red cherry shrimp for about a month, than I moved those and replaced with OEBT. Sadly all 10 were killed when the heater overheated them.. Since I removed all the DW and all of the plants. Not really sure what to do now, if I should buy more shrimp and make it a moss tank, or try a different type of plant this time. I'm really out of ideas when it comes to plants, I have a tank with dwarf baby tears, java moss, water wisteria, crypts, dwarf hair grass, cabomba, dwarf sag, anubias, java fern, glosso, and a few other plants that aren't coming to mind. I'm most likely going to try shrimp again, the only thing holding me back is the price can't afford to mess up again, for the sake of their lives and my wallets sake. So, any ideas as far as the scape go, I currently have black sand substrate.
Bettas are great for small planted tanks. U could even get two females so long as u have plants and do regular WCs. Or you could do guppies or endlers. Three of either would be fine. I also have an empty 2.5 gallon that was housing baby cories who just moved into the big tank. I might just make it an underwater garden which is another idea.
My bad I misread u where looking for aquascape ideas.. sorry I couldn't help..
Mommabear said:
Bettas are great for small planted tanks. U could even get two females so long as u have plants and do regular WCs. Or you could do guppies or endlers. Three of either would be fine. I also have an empty 2.5 gallon that was housing baby cories who just moved into the big tank. I might just make it an underwater garden which is another idea.
My bad I misread u where looking for aquascape ideas.. sorry I couldn't help..
This tank is really too small for any of those fish.
In a tank that size, miniaturisation of hard scape is important, and a lot easier to do in some ways.
Wood becomes twigs. Properly dried rosemary and heather can be used with good effect without dominating, or filling, the tank while still having some nice branching and interesting twists and can be free.
Otherwise, your plant list looks good. I'm into pellia for some reason at the moment, which would also work and provide a nice alternative structure. Hydrocotyle is also very forgiving and will give you a different look to what's on your list, and both will like a bit of hardscape to play with.
I've never actually grown pennywort before, although I've heard of it tons of times. I really like the look of it so I might pick some up, never heard of pellia before though. Looking back I didn't really make it clear, but all of those plants that I have in different tanks are for the most part growing fast, so I could take enough any of those plants to fill the small 2.5. Trying to find a good combination of plants, that won't have to be trimmed every week. My 30 gallon is overrun with glosso and I've been giving away the trimmings since there's no other tank I can put it in.

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