
i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funk Town
oh my god!
what the hell!
i was just about to clean my fish tank and i have my kribensis in a breeding net
so that he doesn't harm any more fish (i plan to give him back to the store tomorrow)
and all over the breeding net were thousands of bugs
they look like fleas
they aren't in the water (that i see) but there were so many all over the net

oh my god i'm itchy all over

what are they?
where did they come from?
will they hurt me? my fish? my animals?

Well give us your tank stats (amonia,pH) and what the bugs look like.
Also try to put some of the "bugs" in a glass and observe them. What do they do...what do they look like..?? If they are fry (which i highly doubt) put them in a 2 gallon bowl for now..

Till then we cannot help any.
ok, i sort of went crazy and demolished the hell out of them before i read this
but from what i remember
they looked just like aphids and were around the same size (some were smaller)
i'm not sure if aphids jump but they were hoping like fleas

i can't give you my tank stats because i just cleaned it and i need to let things settle down
i can give you my perimeters tomorrow

its a 55 gallon planted tank
the last several tests (last one took a month ago)
always read the same
6.8 ph (i've been working on raising it)
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
and around 50 nitrate (working on lowering it but its a long story)
i can't remember the readings (#) of the hardness but i know it was perfect :p

they are definatley not fry

by the way, my kribensis that was in the net is in bad shape (not from the bugs)
i had him in a bucket so i could clean the net with hot water and he decided to go for a stroll
he fell on a crumb of kitty litter and when i found him (i had been out for about 5 minutes) he wasn't moving and i was sure he was dead
i crabbed him and tossed him in the bucket, then i moved him back and fourth and took the kitty litter off and he began to breath but was obviously stunned
he's alive but very tippy
i think he's gunna make it but i'm not sure *fingers crossed*
i know i'm getting rid of him but that doesn't mean i want him to die :/
oh my god! :/
i googled "green bugs in fish tank"

and read THIS apparently saying it is fish lice :crazy:

and THIS apparently saying they are fruit flies

oh how i hope they are just fruit flies
we have had them in our house latley :sick:
Not everything you read online is true. ;) A picture or better description would help tack down just what you have, though in all likelyhood, it's not that serious.

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