Oh Help Me Decide


Fish Herder
Dec 12, 2011
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i really am torn, do i get blue or yellow shrimp..... is it possible to have both? i want them to breed but not mix colours, these are the ones i have found are they compatable or do i choose just one
Wow the yellow ones are amazing, I'd definitely chose those :) The blue ones remind me a lot of Yabbies, so that puts me off them a bit, heh...
those yellow ones are just a strain of cherry shrimp. i would go for those as there hardy and easy to breed. i dont know anything about those blue shrimp apart from there a type ofCaridina shrimp. they wont breed with the yellow cherry shrimp.

assuming the blue ones arent predatory which i doubt then they should live together but you should research the blue shrimp first.

you can get a strain of cherry shrimp that is bright blue however these will crossbreed with the yellow ones.

if you go for the yellow cherry shrimp unless you selectivly breed them then their yellow will fade over generations
if you go for the yellow cherry shrimp unless you selectivly breed them then their yellow will fade over generations
how would i go about this? is it as obvious as haveing another tank to separate the brighter coloured ones?
One what would look best on your gravel/sand
if you go for the yellow cherry shrimp unless you selectivly breed them then their yellow will fade over generations
how would i go about this? is it as obvious as haveing another tank to separate the brighter coloured ones?

:good: just that

thanks, i have a couple amanos, are they ok together? i beleive amanos dont breed in freshwater, or at least the eggs arnt fertile, is this the case for yellows too or are they easy to breed
if you go for the yellow cherry shrimp unless you selectivly breed them then their yellow will fade over generations
how would i go about this? is it as obvious as haveing another tank to separate the brighter coloured ones?

:good: just that

thanks, i have a couple amanos, are they ok together? i beleive amanos dont breed in freshwater, or at least the eggs arnt fertile, is this the case for yellows too or are they easy to breed

You may want to be a little careful with those amano shrimp and other, possibly smaller shrimp. I add half a dozen Cherry Red to my tank that already had 2 large Amano in them..gone within 24 hours !

You may want to be a little careful with those amano shrimp and other, possibly smaller shrimp. I add half a dozen Cherry Red to my tank that already had 2 large Amano in them..gone within 24 hours !


seriously :blink:
I myself would loooooooooooove to get some Yellow Shrimp! But they're so expensive :C
You may want to be a little careful with those amano shrimp and other, possibly smaller shrimp. I add half a dozen Cherry Red to my tank that already had 2 large Amano in them..gone within 24 hours !


seriously :blink:

Unfortunately, yes. It would be a shame to see you spend money on Yellow/Blue shrimp and see them potentially be in troblem.

i emailed the seller asking if it would be safe to have these with amano shrimps and he said they would be fine :unsure: oh why cant anything be simple :rolleyes: shall i start a thread/poll asking if anyone else has experience with this, before i buy

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