Odd Stripes On Coral Beauty


Jun 11, 2013
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I recently got a Coral Beauty angelfish, its still very young. He rarely come out but today I noticed that he has white vertical stripes that were not there before, they start where the eye is at and its in only one side of the body. I can't take pics cuz no camera. Plus he is always hiding, he only comes out to eat and them goes back to hiding. Right now he s in a 40g but would be moved to a 75G probably by next week as soon as the new tank is cycled.  The 40g is cycled, no ammonia, no nitrate, salt is at 1.021 pH also seems fine and the temperature too. Any ideas what could be causing these stripes to appear?
Well after looking at the other fish its ich so i need to start treatment...
I keep posting. But one of my clownfish and goby just died. And they did not have any spots in yhe morning. Please if someone can help. I dont want to lose mote fish
Hi, I am really sorry this has happened, I have recently given up marines for now due to the ongoing cost and because I introduced brooklynella into my tank as I had not quarantined new fish
   I lost my two lovely clowns that I had for two years since I started the hobby, they were always so healthy and were constantly breeding, the female was huge! it upset me so much I decided to give it all up 
hence why it is soooo important to quarantine new fish and it is a big lesson I have learnt. I managed to save the two Dominos that introduced it in the first place, they had whitespot and I found the hyposalinity route the best way to go after using chemicals that did nothing, I just put them in a bare bottom 20L plastic rubbermaid box with a heater, filter and two terracotta pots for shelter and slowly lowered the salinity day by day until it was low enough to kill ich, I could not do this in my display tank as I had shrimp, crabs and snails and it would have killed them. I then left the display fishless, ich needs a host and will die with no fish present for 6 weeks or so then I sold up after that, if I ever go back to marines again I will always make sure new arrivals are quarantined! 
The fish were quarantine... But well they are all dead now....
If it could be ich in the 40gal, don't move anything over to the bigger tank for a few weeks (including inverts, rock, etc.) even if all the fish died, since any remaining parasites would need to be starved out. However, are you absolutely sure ich was the culprit? Ich usually doesn't make stripes; it looks like grains of salt all over the fish and also tends to drag on for a while rather than going from symptoms to death in a day. The fact that other fish died suddenly is not impossible for ich (since it can go after the gills first, which is hard to see), but normally you would see other signs of distress, like labored breathing and/or scratching. Did the fish exhibit anything like that or just keel over unexpectedly? Sudden, symptom-less mass deaths over such a short time frame are often the result of environmental things like water contamination.
I am assuming its ich but i cant see what it can be. But i wont be moving anything from the 40 to the 75
As I said before, water contamination is a common cause of sudden deaths where the fish seem fine and are then dead within a day. Is there anything still living in the tank, and did the other fish show any abnormal behavior leading up to their deaths? There's no way to diagnose it without more information on what happened.
I found my firefish goby. He is still alive and doing fine. The fish ate in morning and wete swimming fine. They just got all crazy with spots. And died. I had not done a water change yet so not sure what it could have been. Maybe the glove i used had something in it.

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