looks nice, talking about play sand I was actually going to get some from Tesco today for my nano 8L.
Did you layer dirt underneath?
Nope ahahh, I just threw the whole bag in
Wish I could keep plants like those... I only have some water sprite and it turned into a disaster! It spent most of today spread all over the tank until I picked it up, removed some of the dead leaves and placed its tails under some rocks. Hope that will keep my fish from picking them out of the sand.
The only consolation I have is that it still grows sprouts.
There's only two plants there, well one if you don't class moss as a plant ahahh. I haven't really done much to get them like that, just let them be
I prefer it now I like that kind of look rather than the planned planted look
would look great with cherry barbs or rummy nose/ cardinals?
I'm on it

Going to the garden centre either tomorrow (later today) or Wednesday. Or I might even risk going to my LFS on the bus and see what terrible quality fish they have...