Newbies and Plants


New Member
Dec 19, 2002
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A few people have told me that live plants aren't suggested for beginners. I was wondering what everyone else's opinion on that was. And, if I was to try live plants, but are good plants for beginners?

Have a go with live plants, they add a great dimension to any tank.

I'm sure rose will come up with some suggestions for you.

It seems to me that some plants do not do well in certain tanks - in my case I got a selection and now just the ones that do well are left. Anyhow theres many plants that aren't expensive so it dont matter if they're not suited to your tank.

Give 'em a go :thumbs:

Well I've got liveplants in my tank, they're not the best plants you'll see and often look quite messy but they look oh so much better than plastics!! I can't say enough go for liveplants every time!!

Easy plants for beginners well- elodea densa is the easiest, very tough and very fast growing and looks nice too. Rose will come up with more I'm sure.
I'm sorry Little Miss Fish I didn't get to this sooner. I'm moving and it's utter chaos right now. Hopefully this will get you started.

Crypt Wedtii (I need to start selling these off.)
Java Fern
Java Moss
Spiral Vals
Apponogetons (any kind will take over the tank)
Jungle Vals
I have others but can't think of what they are at the moment. Hope this helps a bit. I'll get the scientific name up for them later. Rose
I have some Pennywort in my big tank and it grows FAST!!! Its about 4-5" taller than it was 2 weeks ago. Its hardy too, hasnt lost any leaves and no yellowing.

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