Hello all, new to this forum I just wanted to introduce myself.
I have had a fish tank for the last 23 years.
Recently purchsed a 90 gallon ans retired the 52 gallon to my son.
Been slowly working on it as a planted tank.
Ok I got the tank setup and here's what I got so far
Monterey Series Stand - Red Oak
Monterey Series Canopy - Red Oak
90 gallon perfecto tank (black trim) 48" x 18" x 24" high
Marineland Perfecto Glass Canopy
Two Rena 723 Filstar XP4 Canister Filter
Coralife Super Luft Air Pump SL-65
2 blue L.E.D. Bubblers
1 green L.E.D. Bubbler
More New Live plants including color and ground cover plants.
Co2 Aquatek with JBL Drop counter 10 lb tank and Spio III CO2 Diffuser - Glass Reacto
2 Aqueon 06109 Pro Heaters Submersible Aquarium Heater, 250-Watt
Designs by nature 3d Deluxe Back ground BJ931 Bulu Point
AquaticLife T5 HO Dual Lamp Fixtures, fresh water 6x54w
Substrate 180lbs eco-complete 60 pounds not added yet
Co2 comes on at with first set of lights. for 8 hours 2nd set of lights come on for 5 hours.
Co2 kicks off with lights then the Leds come on with a 24" bubbler for 4 hours
Just started adding fertilizers this week 3/14/2012
Current occupants
Zebra Danio 15
Rummy nose tetra, 2 left 10 died the first day.
Upside Down Cat 1
Green Cory Cat 1
Tetra Rasbora 15
2 skirt tetras
3 Crossocheilus siamensis Siamese Algae Eater (SAE) HOPEFULLY Crossocheilus Langei (GETTING 3 MORE)unless everyone thinks thats too many for a 90 gallon
1 Female Bristle nose Pleco, picking up a male next week
plants, some ordered will be put in today
Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri)
Radican, Marble Queen - (Echinodorus cordifolius)
Anubias Congensis - (Anubias afzelii)
Hornwort - (Ceratophyllum demursum)
Anacharis - (Egeria densa)
Micro Sword- (Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae)
Anubias Nana - (Ceratophyllum demursum)
and several unidentified plants
OLD 52 GALLON, started leaking after 23 years, took it down, cleaned it up, resiliconed it and set it up with my son as a sponge bob theme, will get pics later.
current tank
some tweaks
I will be picking everyones brain for some advice, thanks
I have had a fish tank for the last 23 years.
Recently purchsed a 90 gallon ans retired the 52 gallon to my son.
Been slowly working on it as a planted tank.
Ok I got the tank setup and here's what I got so far
Monterey Series Stand - Red Oak
Monterey Series Canopy - Red Oak
90 gallon perfecto tank (black trim) 48" x 18" x 24" high
Marineland Perfecto Glass Canopy
Two Rena 723 Filstar XP4 Canister Filter
Coralife Super Luft Air Pump SL-65
2 blue L.E.D. Bubblers
1 green L.E.D. Bubbler
More New Live plants including color and ground cover plants.
Co2 Aquatek with JBL Drop counter 10 lb tank and Spio III CO2 Diffuser - Glass Reacto
2 Aqueon 06109 Pro Heaters Submersible Aquarium Heater, 250-Watt
Designs by nature 3d Deluxe Back ground BJ931 Bulu Point
AquaticLife T5 HO Dual Lamp Fixtures, fresh water 6x54w
Substrate 180lbs eco-complete 60 pounds not added yet
Co2 comes on at with first set of lights. for 8 hours 2nd set of lights come on for 5 hours.
Co2 kicks off with lights then the Leds come on with a 24" bubbler for 4 hours
Just started adding fertilizers this week 3/14/2012
Current occupants
Zebra Danio 15
Rummy nose tetra, 2 left 10 died the first day.
Upside Down Cat 1
Green Cory Cat 1
Tetra Rasbora 15
2 skirt tetras
3 Crossocheilus siamensis Siamese Algae Eater (SAE) HOPEFULLY Crossocheilus Langei (GETTING 3 MORE)unless everyone thinks thats too many for a 90 gallon
1 Female Bristle nose Pleco, picking up a male next week
plants, some ordered will be put in today
Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri)
Radican, Marble Queen - (Echinodorus cordifolius)
Anubias Congensis - (Anubias afzelii)
Hornwort - (Ceratophyllum demursum)
Anacharis - (Egeria densa)
Micro Sword- (Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae)
Anubias Nana - (Ceratophyllum demursum)
and several unidentified plants
OLD 52 GALLON, started leaking after 23 years, took it down, cleaned it up, resiliconed it and set it up with my son as a sponge bob theme, will get pics later.
current tank
some tweaks
I will be picking everyones brain for some advice, thanks