New To Fish, My First Tank


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
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10 gallon
Live fern and amazon plants + moss ball
Bristlenose catfish x2
Tiger barbs x4
I have a 100gph filter running and a 50 watt heater at 78f.
Any tips or tricks are appreciated!
What size is the tank?
Did you do a fishless cycle, or get some mature media?
You should up the barb numbers to 6+. Tigers are agressive, larger groups disperses the agression.

Welcome to the addiction....erm I mean hobby.
frapadoodle said:
What size is the tank?
Did you do a fishless cycle, or get some mature media?
You should up the barb numbers to 6+. Tigers are agressive, larger groups disperses the agression.

Welcome to the addiction....erm I mean hobby.
Its a 10 gallon, and I'm doing a fish in cycle, so far so good. I took a water sample into my LFS and they said it was perfect.
I want to grab some more tigers but at this point I'm thinking I might overload the bio as I put the catfish in 5 days ago and the tigers went in today.
Thanks for the welcome... I already am addicted, soon I can see a 40 gallon tank coming into play.
welcome to the forum

I like the gravel where did u get it from? how many liters is this tank? and juat so u know tiger barbs need to be in groups of 6+ because of aggression :0)

JimRustle said:
What size is the tank?
Did you do a fishless cycle, or get some mature media?
You should up the barb numbers to 6+. Tigers are agressive, larger groups disperses the agression.

Welcome to the addiction....erm I mean hobby.
Its a 10 gallon, and I'm doing a fish in cycle, so far so good. I took a water sample into my LFS and they said it was perfect.
I want to grab some more tigers but at this point I'm thinking I might overload the bio as I put the catfish in 5 days ago and the tigers went in today.
Thanks for the welcome... I already am addicted, soon I can see a 40 gallon tank coming into play.
just saw this after my post sorry
Blackops I think this comes out to about 37 liters.
JimRustle, a 10g is really not big enough to house tiger barbs. They need bigger numbers and room to run around. I have a 29g with 13 tiger barbs and 5 red eye tetras, as well as a flying fox. I wouldn't add any more fish to my tank.
And the bristlenose catfish will grow quite big, but not in a 10g. You might want to think about just getting a bigger tank now. 

Please do yourself a big favor and buy a liquid water test kit such as API or Nutrafin. Then you can test your own water samples and be assured of the results. Having the LFS tell you your parameters are "perfect" isn't really acceptable. Their main goal is to make money. Our main goal in the forum is to help you raise happy, healthy fish. 
For the moment, just concentrate on getting your filter cycled, and keep doing water changes. Also check into getting some mature filter media from a friend who has a big tank, or from the LFS. This would really jump start your cycle.
And of course, 
This Old Spouse said:
Blackops I think this comes out to about 37 liters.
JimRustle, a 10g is really not big enough to house tiger barbs. They need bigger numbers and room to run around. I have a 29g with 13 tiger barbs and 5 red eye tetras, as well as a flying fox. I wouldn't add any more fish to my tank.
And the bristlenose catfish will grow quite big, but not in a 10g. You might want to think about just getting a bigger tank now. 

Please do yourself a big favor and buy a liquid water test kit such as API or Nutrafin. Then you can test your own water samples and be assured of the results. Having the LFS tell you your parameters are "perfect" isn't really acceptable. Their main goal is to make money. Our main goal in the forum is to help you raise happy, healthy fish. 
For the moment, just concentrate on getting your filter cycled, and keep doing water changes. Also check into getting some mature filter media from a friend who has a big tank, or from the LFS. This would really jump start your cycle.
And of course, 
I guess I'll head back over and grab an API master kit. To the LFS
Might snag another live plant to replace my fake coral. The tigers seem to really enjoy my fern and hang out in there, or is it because of their few numbers they are seeking shelter?
I guess I'll head back over and grab an API master kit. To the LFS
Might snag another live plant to replace my fake coral. The tigers seem to really enjoy my fern and hang out in there, or is it because of their few numbers they are seeking shelter?
I'd say they're trying to hide because they're scared. Honestly, I'd either rehome them or get them a much bigger tank so you can get a decent number of them.
I got 2 more barbs and now they are moving around like the own the place. The ferns have become a speedway on their loops around the tank dodging and weaving!
Friday (payday) I'm going to buy a 20 gallon long to place them in for the extra swim room.
Thanks for the advice guys!
Your fish will thank you for the extra space to swim around. Tanks looking good. A few more plants would be a nice addition. Maybe some valli's along the back?
And you should fill your tank up to the top (unless there's a reason not to of course) to create some more swimming space for your tigers :good:
Looks good! I current'y have my barbs in a 20 after about 4 months in a 10, they are happy!
Tiger barbs need a 30 gallon.
What are those catfish in the pic?
They look like pictus which need a 75 gallon tank.
Get a bigger tank or rehome some fish.
Barbs do not need a 30 gallon, I have 6 adults 1 juvinile in a 20 and they are so happy.
Personally I wouldn't keep tigers in any less than a 30 gallon - however the 20 long is a much better tank for tigers that a standard 20.

The extra length will suit the active nature of the tigers and in my opinion make it just about workable in the long run

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