Blackops I think this comes out to about 37 liters.
JimRustle, a 10g is really not big enough to house tiger barbs. They need bigger numbers and room to run around. I have a 29g with 13 tiger barbs and 5 red eye tetras, as well as a flying fox. I wouldn't add any more fish to my tank.
And the bristlenose catfish will grow quite big, but not in a 10g. You might want to think about just getting a bigger tank now.
Please do yourself a big favor and buy a liquid water test kit such as API or Nutrafin. Then you can test your own water samples and be assured of the results. Having the LFS tell you your parameters are "perfect" isn't really acceptable. Their main goal is to make money. Our main goal in the forum is to help you raise happy, healthy fish.
For the moment, just concentrate on getting your filter cycled, and keep doing water changes. Also check into getting some mature filter media from a friend who has a big tank, or from the LFS. This would really jump start your cycle.
And of course,