New Tank


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2008
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Right i've ordered my 4 foot tank now so it will arrive on monday. it's just a plain basic tank as i have a cupboard to put it on .

I just wanted to check to see what else i'll need and to see what you think of the stuff im buying.

the tank is 4x1x1 so only around 150-180 litre's something like that with 2 2foot condensation trays
i was looking at getting a Eheim 2224 external filter as friend send Eheim are decent. £70-80anyone had any experience with there, are they hard to setup (reason for little bit overkill on the filter is messy fish , want another pleco)
for the heater was going to go with Jager 200w Aquarium Heater £10-20
for the light i already have a swivel light which overhangs the tank going to pop that in the middle of tank
not sure if a air pump is needed was thinking of the Eheim 3702 Air Pump £15-20

I've got some Sand for the bottom was thinking of maybe doing a little bit gravel at one end and sand the rest.

Any suggestions or is the above all good? planning on ordering everything tonight so it arrives around the same time as the tank.

Any advise/suggestions much appreciated.

4' x 1' x 1' = 113 Litres

Can't comment on any of the equipment as I've never used any of that, sorry, but all I would say is you say you have a 'cupboard' to stand it on.
Is it a strong cupboard? Would you be happy standing on it and perhaps bouncing around a bit? (No, thats not an offer!)
Just the water in the tank of those dimensions will be 113kg, then you have the weight of the tank itself, + substrate + decorations, so it's worth thinking a bit about what you will stand it on.
Also I would recommend getting a sheet of polestyrene, or foam for the tank to sit on, on top of the cupboard. This has the effect of 'absorbing' any small deformaties / defects in the top surface fo the cupboard, that could otherwise stress the base of the tank leading to cracking / leaking.
4' x 1' x 1' = 113 Litres

Can't comment on any of the equipment as I've never used any of that, sorry, but all I would say is you say you have a 'cupboard' to stand it on.
Is it a strong cupboard? Would you be happy standing on it and perhaps bouncing around a bit? (No, thats not an offer!)
Just the water in the tank of those dimensions will be 113kg, then you have the weight of the tank itself, + substrate + decorations, so it's worth thinking a bit about what you will stand it on.
Also I would recommend getting a sheet of polestyrene, or foam for the tank to sit on, on top of the cupboard. This has the effect of 'absorbing' any small deformaties / defects in the top surface fo the cupboard, that could otherwise stress the base of the tank leading to cracking / leaking.

One of the measurements was just over a foot but cant remember which one it is wasnt much much than a foot (think the guy said it was 30 something gallons)

Yeh the cupboard is a slightly old solid cabinet , yeh i would stand on it but think the gf would think i've gone crazy lol. Yeh my dad said he'd find something from work to put underneath it to stop the stress on the glass.

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