proposed stock list for 120l fish pod (measures approx 3ft wide by 2ft high) feedback appreciated:
6 danios (mix of pearl and zebra)
6 bronze corys
2 platys
2 dwarf mollies
2 guppies
1 dwarf gourami
1 angel fish
12 yamato shrimps
5 assasin snails
already have all livebearers on list, the gourami, shrimps and snails in an existing tank.
6 danios (mix of pearl and zebra)
6 bronze corys
2 platys
2 dwarf mollies
2 guppies
1 dwarf gourami
1 angel fish
12 yamato shrimps
5 assasin snails
already have all livebearers on list, the gourami, shrimps and snails in an existing tank.