I just went in and did a water change and the danio had died. I did a 90% water change and turned the heater and filter back on. Should I wait until the ammonia is back to zero before adding another fish.
Do not add another fish!
Do a fishless cycle by getting the following:
Pure ammonia (or in worst case throw a lot of fish food in the tank to produce ammonia over time but this slows things down too much).
Liquid test kits for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and PH.
PH should be above 6.5 for this to work properly, ideal would be 7-8 PH.
Drop ammonia into the tank till it's 4ppm on the test, make sure the filter is running at all times and is NEVER stopped. Heater set to at least 24C.
Wait till the day ammonia goes to 0, then re-dose 4 ppm. Nitrite should be showing up.
Keep dosing ammonia back to 4ppm when it hits 0, also make sure the nitrites are going down eventually.
Do not do water changes during fishless cycling until both ammonia and nitrite get to 0 in less than 12 hours for a week.
Barely then you can get fish, but get at least a 10 gallon, ideally a 20 gallon, and that should keep the fish safe once the filter is cycled.
The filter must never be cleaned with non-dechlorinated tap water or be in a tank that hasn't been treated with dechlorinator and must never be left to dry. Always keep under water / full of water.
And another thing, this whole process lasts over a month, sometimes 2 months. Whether you do it with fish or without fish, same period of waiting, only that with fish you will see them die most likely if you are not quick enough to take action.