new tank fish


Fish Herder
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
London (But have lived in Hull)
ok..... i have a new tank and i need to decide what to put in it, i have numerous fish in mind but i have chosen these few for definate:
- a male fighter
- a few frogs
- 2 brown pencilfish
- 2 three lined pencilfish
- 1 red pencilfish
so they are the fish for definatei think

ok these are the others i have in mind(but obviously not all of them for my tank!!

i want a few shoals and had a few ideas:

1st shoal
- 3 harlequins
- 2 fire rasboras

2nd shoal idea
- 3 x-ray fish

- wrestling halfbeaks

black winged hatchetfish

- 1-2 rumy nose tetras
- 1-2 rosy tetras or phantoms

a few penguin fish

i could have a few shoals because most of them stick to one level so.....
anyway here are the single fish i was interested in

- coolie loach

- black widow

-upside down catfish or whiptail catfish

what do you ppl think, opinions will be greatly appreciated, also any info on fish from experience........
First of all, what size tank do you have?

I don't have any experience with pencilfish, but I think the "definite" fish you have chosen will work out. I can't really suggest anything else until we know the size of your tank :)
Im not familiar with many of those fish. just make sure there aren't any fish with long flowy fins besides the betta cus the betta might attack it.
( im not 100% sure about this but some one will give you more info)

Good Luck with the tank :cool:
the size of your tank would be really useful!

for any kind of tetras (phantoms, rummynose, etc) you're gonna need at least six to make them feel safe and happy. same goes for harlequins and other rasboras, in fact I've heard they do best when there's at least 8 of them. i have black phantoms and they seem a bit nippy so they might go for your betta but i guess it depends on the individual fish.

if you get the kuhli loach bear in mind you might never see it, tehy are nocturnal and bury in the sand a lot. it'll be especially reclusive if you have very bright lighting. the whiptail could be similar too i think, depending on which kind of whiptail you mean.

i don't know anything about the other fish but i hope i've helped a bit. have fun choosing! :)
Another little hint, if you are going to have a betta in your tank make sure it's gentle and calm...well if you get a aggressive, mean & territorial one expect lots of ripped fins and dead fish.
My betta Flameheart is one of those aggressive betta's...he has killed a goldfish twice his size and taken a chomp out of my guppies tail...which killed her of shock. So please take precaucions when choosing a betta.

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