New Rescue Arrivals


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
My BFs mum had my old 95l tank from me a few months ago, since then she seemed to buy quite a few fish and now as given up because they keep dying on her. Water params are fine, treated for white spot etc but she cant be bothered with the hassle anymore. She is giving most of the fish to someone who works in an ols peoples home for their tank but has brought me her 2 albino corys to join mine as I kept telling her off for only having 2!! But she also brought some fish I didnt even know she had she said they are fairy something. The fish are white with lovely flowing pointed tails. they also have a small black bit on their eyes. They are beautiful fish and I have aclimatised them and they have take their spot under my bogwood by some rocks and chasing everyone else away. Anyone got a clue what they could be? I cant get a decent picture at the moment sorry!
Fairy cichlid, Neolamprologus brichardi?

One of the more peaceful Lake Tanganyika cichlids, but still not suitable for a general community tank I'm afraid.
Yes thats them! Thank you!

The reason I have them is because the lfs wouldn't take them back from her because they werent bought from him. There isn't any others that would take fish in from people around here either.

How do they cause problems and what kind of setup do they need?
Rift valley cichlids aren't really my area, but I assume they'll be pretty aggressive and need very hard, alkaline water; try posting in the 'Old world cichlid' forum.
Rift valley cichlids aren't really my area, but I assume they'll be pretty aggressive and need very hard, alkaline water; try posting in the 'Old world cichlid' forum.
Agreed, they need a specialized setup and should only be kept with other suitable African Cichlids.
Ok I will have to see if I can find someone to take them, hopefully she wont mind, tbh she knows nothing about fish, they did a water change on their 2 ponds this morning, ran the hose pipe in and redirected the water from the pump to the drain and ran it for half hour so basically was all tap water in the pond, they added no dechlorinator to it at all. She also rinses her filter sponges under the tap!

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