New Here :)


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2014
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Hi people :)
Good night.

My name is Luis and im new in This "world" :)
So for a beginner i bought 4 days ago a 54 liters tank with filter , heater, and one air pump.
I let all turned on, all days and today i bought 5 tetra neon fish.
But i noticed their color were gone, they stay together in the bottom of the tank.

So if anyone can help pls say something :)

P.s: sorry for my english
Color can be missing for a few reasons:
1 - at night they lose their color, but it comes back after a little while.
2 - stress
These fish MAY be suffering from ammonia poisoning, which is what I would guess.
Do you have a test kit for ammonia and nitrite?  You will need one. 
Ammonia is the first obstacle.  Nitrite is the second one.

(Ihr Englisch ist besser als mein Deutsch.)
So i made the Test now and for No3 the value its about 15 mg/l
No2 its 0 , GH its 16d , kh( carbonate hardness) 6d, PH 7,2 and cl2 its 0,8.
Sounds like your tank just isn't cycled properly, well not cycled at all. test for ammonia, it is probably high. Just do water changes (25-50%) daily until the ammonia reads 0, nitrite is 0, and there is a nitrate reading.
hi welcome new myself :)
like above has said sounds like it's not cycled properly check out other threads on here explaining the ins and out
Hmmm i think i understand, but if i change now 25 or 50% the water the temp will decrease a lot.

Any tip for This newbie here :)
The temp will only drop if you add colder water.  Add temp matched water to the tank.  Use some hot and some cold to bring it to within a degree or so.
Your test didn't mention the ammonia level, which would indicate to me you are using test strips, which generally DON'T include ammonia.  You will NEED an ammonia test, and the strips are generally unreliable.
I highly recommend you get a LIQUID test kit.  There are multiple options available, but I am unsure what you will find in Germany.
Oh, and 'Willkommen in TFF'. ;)
try to match the water temp best you can and add a tap safe product to water to neutralise the chlorine
Cool tank! Welcome here! I am also new, and am already very happy about joining. Cycling your tank is a pain in the rear, but be patient and it will happen with time. :)
Im trying to find some easy guide how to cycle a tank, i think for a new guy its very difficult.
Because some people say for i take 25-50% water Out and put new without chlorine , everydays. Other guys say for i put some ammonia solution inside the tank.

So for me This is all very confused
Honestly I added a bag of carbon wrapped in a filter mesh and kept adding "Prime" every few days, and eventually my tank settled out. Just give it some time.

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