New Arrivals :-D


Mostly New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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a few weeks ago i saw some adult rainbow fish for the first time and loved their colours but for £20 each i had second thoughts -
then today i went into my regular LFS and spotted that they had juvies in 
  so i got 5 for the price of 1 adult - the rest of my tank are small to medium atm anyway so theyll all grow together 


Where do they live now and who are their room mates?
Atm theyre in quarantine on there own

Then in a few weeks moving out the shack into a mansion 405l tank with angels, silver sharks, a sev, glowlights and plecs
That is a mansion tank! Very jealous!

I simply must have pics mate! :D
Theres a pic of each of my tanks in my 'how do' welocome post mate ineed to update them now the sharks nd glowights are in as they add so much more life to the tank! Ill take some photos later and post them :D
Wow! Nice one I have recently bought 3 smaller rainbows to go in my 200L along with my coolie loatches and they are looking great! They are really playful fish and feeding time is always great when they are darting around together they are so colourful :D
Yeah i fed them for the 1st tine today and it was a joy to watch!

A few of them werent showing much colour, i put it down to them being juvies or females but theyve started to get a bit into them now so might have just been stress from the journey home!

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