Yes, the pleco is going to be a real concern as it grows. It would be a very good idea to re-home it now before it starts having issues or impacting the biology.
I also agree on the rainbow fish, being shoaling species and thus needing more in the group. However, as I noted previously, there is no space for adding fish.
Which brings me to your question of angelfish. As I said previously, this is almost guaranteed to become an issue in time, and you may be seeing the beginnings now. Angelfish also are shoaling fish, that should be in a group of five or more, except when maintained as a bonded breeding pair. A lone angelfish can manage. But two (male-female pair) that are not accepting each other as bonding is likely to cause trouble, as will two males, and possibly two females One will be dominant, the other seriously harassed. Adding a third is not going to improve matters, even adding two more would not. The dominant fish esp if it is male will see the tank as "his" space, and any and all other angelfish will be regarded as intruders. If I were you, I would re-home the one being picked on before it succumbs to serious stress. The other again should not be combined with barbs, and I would expect this to become troublesome down the road. One cannot foretell how any fish will behave as it matures in a tank with other fish; we can only understand what "should" or likely will occur, given the species involved, so any thing else is guesswork.